Long Term Plan preliminary decisions

Long Term Plan preliminary decisions

Council met this week to consider community feedback on the topics we consulted on for the...

Property revaluations underway

Property revaluations underway

A rating valuation is a three-yearly assessment of a property's value and is determined by house...

Tom Grant Drive Playground Opening

Tom Grant Drive Playground Opening

What began as a consultation on the location of a swing set up for renewal in Matamata soon became...

Time to renew your dog registration

Time to renew your dog registration

Come 1 July 2024, 85% of the Animal Control service (including dog registration) will be funded by...

Zero Waste Education in schools

Zero Waste Education in schools

Recently, we were lucky enough to sit in on some lessons at Stanley Avenue School with the...

Safer speed limits around schools

Safer speed limits around schools

New speed limits and other changes are coming to schools around our district in the coming...

2024 start for new Indoor Sports and Recreation Hub

2024 start for new Indoor Sports and Recreation Hub

Construction for the new Te Whare Whakapakari / Matamata Indoor Sports and Recreation Hub (the...

  • Long Term Plan preliminary decisions

    Long Term Plan preliminary decisions

  • Property revaluations underway

    Property revaluations underway

  • Tom Grant Drive Playground Opening

    Tom Grant Drive Playground Opening

  • Time to renew your dog registration

    Time to renew your dog registration

  • Zero Waste Education in schools

    Zero Waste Education in schools

  • Safer speed limits around schools

    Safer speed limits around schools

  • 2024 start for new Indoor Sports and Recreation Hub

    2024 start for new Indoor Sports and Recreation Hub

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Water restrictions

There are currently no water restrictions in our district.