District wide
Speed management around schools
Speed management around schools
We want to make sure that speeds are safe and appropriate around our schools and make our roads safer for everyone who uses them.
Resource recovery centres
Resource recovery centres
We'll do a more detailed investigation into the options and come back to the community with the information and costs.
Pride of Place
Pride of Place is about teaming up with our communities helping to support local projects that improve our towns
Walking & cycling connections
Walking & cycling connections
We committed to a 'slow but steady' approach to improving walking and cycling connections across the district, and plan to continue acquiring land to support this.
Matamata Ward
Waharoa Aerodrome RMP Review
Waharoa Aerodrome RMP Review
The Reserve Management Plan is in the process of being reviewed and a Master Plan created
Matamata Domain Playground Upgrade
Matamata Domain Playground Upgrade
We've partnered with Matamata Futures to upgrade the Matamata Domain playground
Matamata pedestrian connectivity
Matamata pedestrian connectivity
There is $250,000 in this year's budget to improve walking and cycling connectivity within Matamata
Hetana Street Reserve Framework Plan
Hetana Street Reserve Framework Plan
A Framework Plan for Hetana Street Reserve is to present a clear and compelling long-term vision to guide the future development of the reserve.
Open Country Stadium
Open Country Stadium
This an exciting project designed to boost community wellbeing by creating a state-of-the-art sports and recreation facility.
Swim Zone Matamata roof
Swim Zone Matamata roof
In late 2021 we removed the roof and structure from the indoor pool after finding out it was earthquake prone. A working group helped find a temporary roof solution that is now in place.
Morrinsville Ward
Morrinsville Water
Morrinsville water
We have a new bore in place and draft resource consent to treat and supply additional water for Morrinsville. Design of the Water Treatment Plant is under way, with construction planned for 2022/23.
Morrinsville Rec Master Plan
Morrinsville Rec Master Plan
We've been working with the Morrinsville community on a Master Plan for the Recreations Grounds. We've got $250k in this year's budget to start implementing the plan.
Thomas Park Playground
Thomas Park Playground
The Thomas Park Playground is due for renewal. We've been consulting on designs and aim to get a new park installed this year
Te Aroha Ward
Te Aroha Spa Project
Te Aroha Spa Project
We committed to building an $18.9 million spa in Te Aroha if the review of the business case stacks up. Design concepts have been developed and work on an investment case is underway.
Te Aroha Industrial development
Te Aroha Industrial development
Council recently purchased a property at 25 Waihou Rd, Te Aroha and is investigating rezoning and developing this land for light industrial use.
Waitoa Water Supply
Waitoa Water Supply
We have been working alongside Fonterra and the residents of Waitoa to investigate potential options for the town's water supply.
Te Aroha Boat Ramp
Te Aroha Boat Ramp
The area known as the Boat Ramp in Te Aroha needs an upgrade to keep up with demand, so we're planning to deliver this upgrade in 2022/23.
We're also still working on...
There are also a number of projects that have ground work under way or are dependant on third parties (e.g. partners or funding). These projects haven't fallen off our radar, and may also get under way if funding or 'people on the ground' help drive them forward. These include:
- The Te Aroha Bike Skills Park - in partnership with Te Aroha Mountain Bike Club
- Improvements to dog parks - last year we made bylaw changes to designate land for dog parks in Matamata and Te Aroha. We are keen to work with community groups on improvements at these sites (e.g. fencing, seats etc)