Waharoa Aerodrome Reserve Management Plan Review

The Waharoa (Matamata) Aerodrome Committee (WMAC) are in the process of reviewing the Reserve Management Plan (RMP) and potentially creating a Master Plan for the Waharoa Aerodrome. It is considered good practice to review management plans at least every 10 years. The Reserves Act requires reserve management plans to be reviewed to respond to changing circumstances or increased knowledge. The Matamata Aerodrome RMP was written in 2010 and doesn’t take into account important developments such as the Ngāti Hauā Settlement Act 2014, the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015, or the formation of the WMAC.
The land the Waharoa Aerodrome operates on was originally owned by Ngāti Hauā, but when World War II started, the land was taken to be used as a wartime airfield. The Waharoa Aerodrome was established in 1942 by the RNZAF but it was only ever considered for use in emergencies.
After the war ended, the aerodrome was retained by the Crown for civil purposes despite Ngāti Hauā objections. There are also a couple of neighbouring pockets of land that were bought additionally by the county – you can see these in more detail in the maps in the slideshow here.
The aerodrome then started operating as a recreational airfield, which included a flying school and various clubs. Due to the wind patterns created by the Kai Mai Range, the Waharoa Aerodrome is an especially good area for gliders.
Following the Ngāti Hauā Claims Settlement Act 2014, the Waharoa (Matamata) Aerodrome Committee (WMAC) was established to ensure joint governance between council and Ngāti Hauā.
Reserve Management Plan Review Process
The aerodrome land is subject to several pieces of legislation, which prescribes the process for reviewing the RMP and preparing a masterplan and restricts the actions that can be taken. The revised RMP will have to comply with all of the different Acts that govern the land. See the full list under ‘Related Documents.’
Council notified its intention to review the RMP in 2019 and received suggestions from Ngāti Hauā and the public. The committee has considered these suggestions and legislation changes to develop potential options for the aerodrome. These suggestions and potential options are in the slideshow here.
Prior to drafting the new RMP the committee is seeking input from Ngāti Hauā, and Unified Waharoa Aviators (UWA). Wider consultation will occur when the committee publicly notifies the draft RMP for two months of consultation and holds a hearing if submitters would like to speak to their submissions. Feedback will directly inform the RMP review and potential masterplan development and help the WMAC make the best decisions possible for the future.
Related Documents
Council 23 Aug 23 and WMAC 16 Mar 23, 1 Jun 23, 21 Sep 23, 20 Jun 24, 24 Oct 24
RMP and Masterplan Slideshow - 13 Dec 23
Health and Safety at Work Act 2015
Ngāti Hauā Claims Settlement Act 2014
Frequently Asked Questions
The Matamata Aerodrome RMP was written in 2010 and doesn’t take into account important developments, such as the Ngāti Hauā Settlement Act 2014 or the formation of the Waharoa (Matamata) Aerodrome Committee. It also needs to reflect the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015, and the growing use of drones.
There are other factors that drove the review of the RMP:
- MAUG demand for more hanger space and security around lease
- Ngāti Hauā seeking additional land to enable expansion of the activities at Raungaiti Marae
- Pre-Covid complaints about noise/ aircraft movement and commercial activities (flying school)
To be able to support any developments or future planning, all these issues need to be addressed in a Reserve Management Plan or Master Plan.
Latest news

The Waharoa Aerodrome RMP review progresses
Project Timeline
Council undertakes notifies intent to review RMP and seeks suggestions
February 2019
Recommendation to review RMP and potentially develop a Masterplan
1 June 2023
Council agreed and delegated powers to Waharoa Aerodrome Committee
23 August 2023
Waharoa Aerodrome Committee meeting
21 September 2023
Workshop at Matamata to review options
16 October 2023
Council workshop to share options
1 November 2023
Share options with Raungaiti Marae Committee
23 November 2023
Share options with Matamata Aerodrome User Group
6 December 2023
WMAC meeting to discuss feedback from Nov/Dec meetings
8 December 2023
Early engagement and research period
January - August 2024
WMAC Meeting to review early engagement feedback
24 Oct 2024
Collaboration and RMP drafting phase
November 2024 onwards
WMAC meeting
20 March 2025
Approve draft plan for public consultation
MAUG Discussion - 6 Dec 23
Acronym Glossary
LGA Local Government Act 2002
MAUG Matamata Aerodrome User Group
MPDC Matamata-Piako District Council
NHCSA Ngāti Hauā Claims Settlement Act 2014
NHIT Ngāti Hauā Iwi Trust
NZMA Matamata Aerodrome
RMA Resource Management Act
RMP Reserve Management Plan
UWA Unified Waharoa Aviators
WMAC Waharoa (Matamata) Aerodrome Committee