Dog parks are go!

Dog parks are go!
Council gave the green light to changing the off-leash dog areas in Te Aroha and adding an off-leash dog area in Matamata, at a dog bylaw hearing on Wednesday, 03 November 2021.
In Matamata, changes include turning a portion of Peria Rd Reserve (excluding the memorial plantings and pathway) into a fenced off-leash dog exercise area.
In Te Aroha, changes include turning part of the reserve on Spur Street into a fenced off-leash dog exercise area, expanding the current Spur Street Esplanade area (to be looked after by a community group but available to all) and turning the boat ramp reserve into an on-leash area as it’s prone to flooding and has the Hauraki Rail Trail running through it.
The areas had some basic improvements made for when the bylaw came into place on 1 December 2021. Council is working with community groups to do further work.
Latest news about this project
Off-leash dogs in our district

New shelter at Peria Road Reserve dog park

New off-leash dog exercise areas

Dog parks are go!

Dogs may have more places to stretch their legs
Frequently Asked Questions
In red is the area that's been removed, in pink is the existing off-leash area and in yellow are the areas that have been added.

Project Timeline
7 September – 10 October 2021
Council Hearing
3 November 2021
Signage installed
1 December 2021
Further improvements
Early 2022 (see updates below).
Council does not currently have an allocated budget for this project, costs for improved fencing and mowing will come out of our bulk Community Facilities Fund. We have allocated $200,000 within our Long Term Plan budget but not until July 2023. This is the funding Council plans to use when we look into additional features across all of our dog off-leash areas within the next couple of years.