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Please be advised that any Direct Debit applications recieved from this point onward will be processed on the 6 January 2025. We appreciate your understanding and apologise for any inconvenience this may cause. Thank you for your patience and we wish you a safe and happy festive season.

RID Supression Form

Council’s Rating Information Database is now available online.This means that you can search for any property in the district and view the property details (such as parcel number, legal description, and certificate of title number), along with the rating and valuation details (such as land area, land value, capital value, and rates levies).

At this stage we have not included the names and postal addresses of property owners, however, this information may be disclosed to customers who enquire about your property to our Customer Services team. Every property owner has the right to request that Council withhold their name and/or postal address from the publicly available Rating Information Database register. To have your name and/or postal address suppressed, simply complete the form below:

Property Details

In accordance with Section 28 of the Local Government (Rating) Act 2002 we request that you withhold our name and/or postal address information from the publicly available rating information database for the property listed below:
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Owners' Details

Complete the details below for the owner requesting suppression, as shown on your rates invoice.

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Note: This suppression will be applied to all properties that your name is associated with

Please also read our privacy policy before sending your request.