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Rating units in common ownership

If you own one or more properties with a shared boundary and use them jointly as a single unit you may be able to get a review on your rates under “contiguous” status.

Common examples include a house with a large garden or farming land all used for the same purpose. This does not include separate titles with more than one use – for example, two titles that have a dwelling each or two vacant sections.

To be considered for contiguous status the properties must meet the following criteria:

  • they must have common ownership i.e. the names on the titles must match exactly
  • they must be contiguous (or separated only by a road, railway, drain or river)
  • they must be used jointly as a single unit.

On a contiguous property, we will apply the same rates that would have applied if they had been rated as a single unit. For example, the Uniform Annual General Charge would only be charged once on the main rating unit.

If you think you may have a property which is contiguous to your other property/ies please fill out this form and send it to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..