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Plan Change 54 - Papakāinga Summary of Submissions

Summary of Submissions 

The following table provides a summary of Submissions recieved to Plan Change 54 and also provides hyper-links to the original submission. The submission summary is prepared in accordance with Clause 7 of Schedule 1 of the Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA).

The following parties may make a further submission in accordance with Clause 8(1) of Schedule 1 of the RMA:

  1. Persons who are representing a relevant aspect of the public interest
  2. Persons who have an interest in the proposed policy statement or plan that is greater than the interest the general public has
  3. The Council itself

The summary identifies whether each submission point supports (S), supports in part or with amendments (SA), opposes (O) or their position is unknown or not stated (U). 

* Submissions carried forward from original notification as advised by submitter

The summary is ordered by submitter.

Submission No


(and hyperlink to origjnal submission)

Oppose, Support,
Support with amendments,
or Unknown

Submission Summary

Decision Sought


Tu Clarke


  • Include Marae and whenua connected with the marae to be included as MPZ-PREC2 (instead of MPZ-PREC1).

Accept with amendments


Rachel and Norm Salisbury


  • Proposed rules should be applied to all parties in the Rural Zone
  • Potential impacts on property values
  • Concerns around safety and traffic on Douglas Road
  • Limited Council services and increased strain on the services that do exist
  • Lower parts of Douglas Road are located within a flood zone and not suitable for development
  • Concerns around existing housing standards and crime due to increased population
  • Dog control and stock safety



Te Rauna Cawker


  • Supports Papakāinga Tahi, Papakāinga Rua and District Wide provisions
  • Supports Urupa on ancestral land



Ngāti Hauā Iwi Trust


  • Request that Precinct 1 and 2 are adopted as proposed
  • Support the proposed housing density and enabling of community facilities, education facilities, urupā, relocatable buildings and accessory buildings
  • Larger land blocks are not fairly represented with a limitation of 10 homes. Request that the wording is changed to make it clear that developments above ten homes may be possible, but will require resource consent
  • Extend the MPZ provisions to the District Wide provisions where there are ancestral connections and legal mechanisms for perpetuity of Maori ownership
  • Supportive of RM reforms to allow headroom for iwi to access water in a way that supports commercial water uses for Maori adjacent to their papakāinga.

Accept with amendments


Te Puawaitanga o Ngāti Hinerangi


  • Requested amendments to the MPZs:
  • Density limits for MPZ PREC 1 to allow for one kainga per 2500m2
  • Site coverage to be 35% where sites are under 1ha and 10% where sites are over 1ha
  • Extend MPZ to cover more Māori Freehold Land
  • 10m side yards
  • Te Ohaki Marae Planning Map to include urupā block
  • Requested amendments to the District Wide Provisions:
  • Policy Papakainga – P2 b) to include hapu and/or iwi ownership in perpetuity.
  • Remove requirement 1.4.30 Providing information on management structures for the papakainga.
  • Amend Provision 6.1.1 1 to enable Kainga per 2,500m2.
  • Amend the activity status for Discretionary activity for communal living arrangement to be a restricted discretionary activity.
  • Amend the yard provisions for side yards as they relate to papakainga and a standard over and above what is anticipated in the rural zone.
  • Amend 4.4.1 2) building coverage rules to be site coverage where sites are under 1ha, 10% where sites are over 1ha.
  • Amend 5.9.1 2 wording to include or where available wireless provisions can be utilized.
  • Amend Subdivision rules for Papakainga from Discretionary to Restricted Discretionary

Accept with amendments


Te Tumu Paeroa – The Office of the Maori Trustee


  • Supports District Wide Provision 6.1.1
  • Supportive of Māori Purpose Zone’s objectives (O1 – O3), policies (P1 - P8) and rules (PREC1(1) –(5); PREC2(1) – (4))
  • Supportive of papakāinga objectives (O1 – O3) and policies (P1 – P8)
  • Amendment of ‘Papakāinga’ definition to provide for ‘maori landowners’. See submission for proposed Papakāinga definition


Samuel and Leah O’Connor


  • Concerns around potential negative consequences as a result of re-zoning, such as:
    • Sharp increase in development in a rural area may negatively impact neighbouring properties particularly if the development includes additional facilities (eg. Schools, short-term accomodation)
    • Property value changes and appeal to potential byuers
  • Concerns over a possibility of funding to aid in rapid development



Charlie and June Paki Whanau Trust



  • Concerns regarding the proposal process as the beneficiary were not contacted or advised of the proposal, therefore not given an opportunity to ask questions
  • Concerns that the decision-makers do not whakapapa to the land

Accept with amendments


Shannon Clarke


  • Supportive of the plan change as it provides a chance to return to ancestral land for current and future generations
  • Request that General Land owned by Maori be treated the same as Papakainga Tahi

Accept with amendments


Tony Ashworth


  • Amendments suggested:
  • To keep houses and vegetation away from the runway edge to avoid the airport boundary
  • Limiting who is able to make a noise complaint caused by recreational aerodrome traffic
  • Allow for building hangars and a boundary fence along the runway

Accept with amendments


Robyn Roa


  • Supportive of the plan change as it provides a chance to return to ancestral land for current and future generations
  • Request that General Land owned by Maori be treated the same as Papakainga Tahi
  • Supports both precints as it will enable kaumātua and kuia the opportunity to live near our Marae where they are often needed to support marae kaupapa, or give younger families an opportunity to put a home on the whenua
  • Expresses the following viewpoint: ‘we do not own the whenua, we belong to the whenua’
  • Supports the opportunities to return home



Georgina Tini Dicken


  • Supportive of the plan change as it provides opportunity to live on whaanau Maori land
  • Mokopuna to be supported by her whaanau



Lea Thompson


  • Requested the Maori Purpose Zone provisions be applied to district wide provisions
  • Supports papakāinga lifestyle – opportunities to revitalise te reo and Maaoritanga
  • Supportive or allowing Urupā onsite as it strengthens ancestral and generational connections
  • Expresses dissappointment at needing to gain permission to establish kāinga on Maori Land
  • Identifies that homes in urban areas are closer that the provisions allow for rural zones



Hariata Jaime Anderson


  • Supports the proposed provisions of the Maori Purpose Zone
  • Identifies this as an opportunity to establish, sustain and preserve historical heritage, culture and cultural assets while realising ancestral aspirations
  • Expresses aspirations to establish whare and business opportunities to serve Whanau



Tokaanu Thompson


  • Supports the plan change



Frances Herawana Tupaea


  • Supports Papakāinga as a safe environment to raise ngā mokopuna



Grant and Annette Cranfield


  • Expresses concerns around health and safety regarding:
    • Increased road users
    • Constant turning and slowing of vehicles
    • Traffic and congestion
    • Complex intersections which could be hazardous for drivers and pedestrians
    • Railway is hazardous – long trucks with trailors need to be able to turn safely without obstacles preventing them from crossing the railway line
    • Loss of parking spaces at the marae resulting in tendancy to park along the road
    • Refuse bins bags left at the gate in high volumes will be an obstruction
    • Bright lights from the marae could be distracting for motorists
  • Existing issues around:
    • Keeping surrounding area tidy and rubbish-free
    • Maintainance concerns regarding fencing, lawns and gates
  • Expresses concerns regarding the loss of countryside or rural aspect, particularly regarding high fencing
  • Concerns expressed around who is able to access the sewage lines
  • Concerns regarding significant noise, sleep disturbance, stress and annoyance
  • Expresses traffic and safety conerns around the right of way for trains, hazardous material trucks, elderly driving along the road in mobility scooters, turning vehicles holding up on-coming traffic
  • Concerns around the potential for increased developments to increase roadside parking
  • Expresses concerns around the loss of rural character
  • Concerns around existing maintainance issues related to fence posts and possible incorrect rubbish disposal



Te Ao Marama Maaka


  • Supports the plan change





  • Concerns that the proposed housing density and buildings might diminish the rural aspect
  • Concerns around diminishing the quality of rural lifestyle



Tahauariki Tauwhitu Thompson


  • Would like to see General Land Owned by Maaori being treated the same as Papakāinga Tahi
  • Identifies this plan change as an opportunity to return to ancestral land to build a home for children, grandchildren and future generations in a safe environment that values te reo and traditional/ ancestral values
  • Papakāinga will allow whanau to live collectively as their ancestors did
  • Supports the opportunity for greater involvement in social, educational and economic aspects of hapū, iwi and marae



Desmond Ewing


  • Supports Papakāinga Tahi



Leigh Webber


  • Supports the plan change

Accept and Accept with Amendments


Pamela A Webber


  • Supports the plan change

Accept and Accept with Amendments


Richard and Ariana Pirrit


  • Expresses concerns regarding Papakāinga Tahi due to an increase in housing density in comparison to the rural zone
  • Expresses concerns regarding Papakāinga Rua – related to Rukumoana Road, in the following ways:
    • Dairy farming business is directly adjoining Rukumoana Marae and Rukumoana Avenue
    • Increased housing density and population increase will cause noise pollution, interfere with the rural characters and increased traffic
    • Existing issues include crime, unemployment, drug abuse, gang affiliation, incorrect disposal of rubbish causing issues with rodents and farming stock being attached by stray dogs from Rukumoana Ave
    • Existing fears around safety with a need for increased security on properties
    • Currently considered a ‘high risk’ area by insurance

Existing cabins on Rukumoana marae do not have toilets, running water and are currently  disposing of rubbish incorrectly  



John and Irene Harris


  • Would like to include the use of management plans or Body Corporate in light of not requiring a resource consent to ensure effectiveness, efficiency and safety
  • Requests transparency around annual capital and operational abd maintainance costs, especially around water services, roading and refuse
  • Requests there be direct references to climate change, specifically flooding/ inundation due to sea level rise, taken into account for long term decision-making before applying for resource consents
  • Requests that consideration be given to:
    • Using ‘Non-Complying’ status to avoid inappropriate development
    • The appropriateness of development of Class 1 Soils, specifically the potential negative effects on social, economic and cultural wellbeing
    • The potential to subsidise land or development that has already been subsidised in light of Three Waters reform

Whether variations to existing Iwi housing and Marae sites on Rural, Rural-Residential and Residential zones, as well as new Papakāinga development in residential or rural-residential zones should be noncomplying, instead of discretionary

Accept with amendments


Waikato Regional Council



  • Request amendments to MPZ-O1 and Papakainga-O1 to include “other natural and physical resources”
  • Suggest the inclusion of additional objectives and policies relating to the use of water, energy and climate resilience
  • WRC identifies two MPZ Precinct areas within WRC drainage schemes and therefore appropriate measures and controls are needed to manage flood risk
  • Specific concerns regarding the location of Waiti Marae (within the MPZ Precinct 1) and its vulnerability to flooding

Accept with amendments


Bette Blance


  • Supports the proposed plan change, particularly the purpose, and potential to improve the lives of local iwi, kaumātua and kuia through support from younger iwi members



Thomas Bougher


  • Supports the plan change, submission amendments points include:
  • Increased distance between dwellings to reduce sewage and storm water concentration in one area and give families space/ privacy
  • Minimum 1 vehicle garage per dwelling for storage/ workshop
  • New built homes for purposes of reduced maintainance, insulation standards and construction standards that meet current wind & earthquake  bracing requirements
  • Housing tenure that offers occupants security and signed agreements that establish rights and responsibilities
  • Roading and Access should be well-built and well maintained for safety reasons such as legal services (ambulance, fire etc)
  • Houses need to be numbered properly
  • Road names established if there are more than 5 houses on a right of way
  • Measures put in place to ensure Council Indemnity
  • Consideration of rates due to increased services

Accept with amendments


Margaret Osbourne


  • Requests the proposed zoning provisions should be made available to all



Te Mangeo Tamehana Tarapipipi


  • Suggests an amendment to density provisions as the current density requirements will exclude people with smaller blocks

Accept with amendments


Virginia McMillan


  • Suggests consulting with iwi on their aspirations to reassess the maximum number of homes
  • Requests an increase in the total number of homes

Accept with amendments


Kali Matauwhati


  • Expresses strong whakapapa to Kai-a-te-mata and Rukumoana marae
  • There is willingness from whanau living in other regions of the Motu to return to ancestral land to look after other whanau, the land, marae and rivers

Accept with Amendments


Brandon Dromgool


  • Expressed concerns around increased traffic using and also turning off State Highway 26 into the proposed development
  • Expresses an expectation for consultation with Waka Kotahi on this proposal and traffic safety investigations completed which would determine what the impact of this development would be
  • Requests that the proposed developments have a water tank and septic tank, both undergoing regular servicing
  • Expresses concerns around the following:
    • Loss of rural character
    • Possible effects on surrounding property values
    • Potential impacts on amenity value
    • Intensification of the site and developmental outcomes



Matamata Aeroclub



  • Expresses concerns around potential future complaints about aircraft noise by future residents
  • Propose that MPDC establish a noise contour plan for the area around the Matamata Aerodrome

Accept with amendments


Tuatahi Nightingale-Pene



  • Expresses complete Support for Precinct 1 - Papakāinga Tahi, Precinct 2 - Papakāinga Rua and the District Wide Provisions



Irene Tai-Rakena


  • Supports the proposed provisions



Te Hanga South Trust


  • Trustees request that two land blocks that were mentioned in the submission be set aside in the District Plan under the District Wide provisions
  • The Trust can demonstrate that there is an ancestral connection as well as a legal mechanism in place to ensure the land is maintained in whanau ownership in perpetuity



Raymond Kett


  • Objects to sending letters that are addresses to people who have passed away
  • Proposes a shareholder meeting
  • Expresses concerns regarding the name of the Waiti marae map



Jeff Hirawani


  • Supports the plan change



This submission has been included in submission 17



Brad Hutton


  • Opposes the proposed plan changes



Dayne Hazelden


  • Expresses concerns related to:
    • The loss of rural character, and potential affects on mental health and child’s welfare
    • Existing hight traffic volumes on State Highway - increasing road users around a blind corner would increase the danger at entrance ways
    • Increase dust and pollution
  • The proposed zoning provisions should be made available to all groups on freehold land  



David King


  • Supports the plan change


44 *

Rev Henare Waaka


  • Supports the plan  change but would like General Land owned by Maori to be treated exactly the same as Papakainga Tahi to enable:
  • Opportunity for whanau to return home to ancestral land
  • Live collectively and raise mokopuna in a secure and safe environment that values te reo and tikanga māori
  • Be involved in the social, spiritual, educational and economic heritage of my hapū and iwi
  • Participate in key roles and responsibilities of the marae and support to make Papakainga a reality   


45 *

Mananui Te Uira


  • Supports the plan change as it allows whanau to build on their whenua


46 *

This submission has been included in submission 11




47 *

Carolyn Nimmo


  • Supports Papakainga Tahi as it allows for gardening activities on highly productive soils
  • Supports Papakainga Rua as it enables affordable housing and housing suitable for kaumātua and people with disabilities
  • Supports papakāinga development on other Maori-owned land as it will increase housing and housing diversity while keeping highly productive soils available for agriculture and building homes in a sustainable and affordable way
  • Requests further plan changes and enabling Planning rules to allow close-proximity/ communal housing in urban and rural-residential zones, such as new models of co-housing that supports elderly, disabled, and different cultures


48 *

Muna Wharawhara


  • Support in principle Papakāinga Tahi and Rua as an enabling policy that empowers whanau the opportunity to develop and deliver sustainable housing
  • Submitter points out that the information omits councils contribution to infrastructure


49 *

Ian Robert Young, Dana Sheree Lewis and Ian Young Family Trust


  • The Te Ohaki Marae zoning map includes a Right of Way that belongs to the submitter
  • Suitable arrangements are to be considered by Council when allowing the development to go ahead regarding the maintainance and upkeep of the Right of Way
  • Safety issues arrising from increased driveway use and interference of farming operations

Accept with amendments

50 *

Leo George Whaiapu


  • Supports the plan change and the consideration of Okauia 2E 3B 2B 1B and Whaiti Kuranui 6A 1B 3B 2B for Papakainga


51 *

Michael Carey


  • Supports the plan change


52 *

Karen Chandler


  • Supports the plan change but would like allowances created for other land owners to add dwellings to their land for family. Eg dependent living space
  • Would like other people to be able to add dwellings up to 80sqm under the condition these dwellings are on the Title and that the property will not be subdivided  

Accept with amendments

53 *

Mapuna Turner


  • Expresses the definition of Papakāinga
  • Expresses that planning instruments should reflect that Maori land owners have the right to determine how and what their lands shall be use for
  • Identifies that consent has not been given to the planning authority to usurp Maori and landowner rights
  • Stipulates that communal living should be decided by the traditional application of accommodating whanau numbers
  • Identifies that colonisation has influences māori practices – traditional lores of tapu are circular
  • Identifies land use restrictions regarding water resources



Kainga Ora

  • Supportive of MPZ O2 and Papakainga O2
  • A series of amendments are proposed to the objectives and policies:
    • MPZ O1, MPZ O3, Papakainga O1, Papakainga O3
    • MPZ P2, MPZ P3, MPZ P4, MPZ P7, MPZ P8, Papakainga P1, Papakainga P2, Papakainga P3, Papakainga P4, Papakainga P7, Papakainga P8
  • Kainga Ora opposes or opposes in part the following points in MPZ-PREC1-Papakāinga Tahi:
    • MPZ-PREC1-R(1)(b) – delete subpoint (b)
    • MPZ-PREC1-R(1)(f)
      • Proposal for one Kāinga per 5000m2 of site area will discriminate against landowners of larger blocks.
      • Seek the deletion of maximum density and instead rely on servicing a development and performance standards to determine density.
      • Papakāinga Development Plan not necessary for permitted activities
    • MPZ-PREC1-R(1)(g)
      • provision is unnecessarily restrictive and seeks that only heavy vehicle controls and compliance with permitted activity performance standards should be required. This provision does not allow for commercial activities at a kainga wide level.
    • MPZ-PREC1-R(1)(h)
      • Provision is unnecessarily restrictive and consider location and servicing of community, education and healthcare facilities instead be managed by development and performance standards.
    • MPZ-PREC1-R(2)(a)
      • the assessment criteria is unnecessarily restrictive and matters of discretion do not consider the planned built form or consider the intended change to the environment
    • MPZ-PREC1-R(3)(a)-(e)­
      • Request that activity status for non compliance in sub parts (a)-(e) are restricted discretionary, rather than discretionary, to provide for clarity when applying for resource consent
    • MPZ-PREC1-R(5)(b)
      • this standard is unnecessarily confusing and seeks that the rule is amended to provide for ease of plan use
    • MPZ-PREC1-R(5)(c)
      • the setbacks unnecessarily restrictive and impede the ability to undertake residential development
    • MPZ-PREC1-R(5)(e)
      • maximum building coverage of 10% unnecessarily restrictive to allow for appropriate development on smaller site
    • MPZ-PREC1-R(5)(f)
      • requiring each Kāinga to include a ‘solid waste’ service area that is screened from the public and set back 10m from a boundary to be unnecessarily restrictive
    • MPZ-PREC2-R(1)(a)
      • the development and performance standards can control the density of kāinga on site without the need to impose density provisions
    • MPZ-PREC2-R(1)(b)
      • supports kāinga on all land and not just on land in Māori title or where there is a requirement to hold land in whānau ownership in perpetuity
    • MPZ-PREC2-R(1)(c)
      • does not consider that ‘relocatable buildings’ should be separately distinguished as an activity
    • MPZ-PREC2-R(1)(e)
      • maximum earthwork provisions too restrictive
    • MPZ-PREC2-R(2)(a)
      • assessment criteria is unnecessarily restrictive
    • MPZ-PREC2-R(3)
      • the activity status for non-compliance in sub parts (a) and (b) are restricted discretionary, rather than discretionary
    • MPZ-PREC2-R(5)(b)
      • standard is unnecessarily confusing and seeks that the rule is amended to provide for ease of plan use
    • MPZ-PREC2-R(5)(e)
      • consider a maximum building coverage of 35% unnecessarily restrictive to allow for appropriate development on smaller sites
    • MPZ-PREC2-R(5)(f)
      • requiring each Kāinga to include a ‘solid waste’ service area that is screened from the public and set back 10m from a boundary to be unnecessarily restrictive
    • MPZ-PR2 and MPZ-PR3 – delete
    • Amendments to information requirements (1.1.2 Plans, and 1.4.30 papakainga)
    • Section 6 Papakāinga – Amendments to 6.1.1, 6.1.2, 6.1.4, 6.1.5 to be consistent with above submission points
    • Section 6.1 - Amend Section 6 to provide for Papakāinga on general title land as well as Māori Freehold Land and Treaty Settlement Land.
    • Section 6.1.3 – Request that marae activities are permitted in residential zones and restricted discretionary in Business zones.
    • Propose a new rule for educational facilities and healthcare facilities to be provide for within the District wide provisions.
    • Section 3 Development Controls – 3.2.1 (iii)
      • Considers that side yards are too restrictive
    • Section 4 Papakāinga –,, 4.4.2, 4.4.3 amendments to be consistent with submission points of the MPZ
    • Section 6 Subdivision – 6.3.13
      • Considers that the requiremetns for subdivision are unnecessarilly retrictive compared to other activities
    • Section 9 Transport – 9.1.2
      • Considers that the threshold for the amount of kāinga that requires a private way to be in accordance with the Development Manual is increased.
    • Amend the following definitions:
      • Papakainga
      • Kainga / Residential unit
      • Treaty Settlement Land
See submission for specific submission point

Accept with amendments

55 LATE SUBMISSION Matamata Soaring Centre SA
  • Support the intentions to enable quality Papakāinga development and opportunities for landowners
  • Plan change should include explicit reference to the existing Matamata airport protection zones
  • Council should include noise mitigation measures to avoid reverse sensitivity issues from the Matamata/Waharoa aerodrome (for example a setback from the airfield)
Support with amendments