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I wish...

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I wonder...

When will the Council actually do something for the people of Waharoa, we could very much use a bike track ,footpath from Waharoa to Matamata as Waharoa rd East is very dangerous!!! As Rate payers the Waharoa community is always overlooked and our rates we hiked up the most and we see nothing for it.

Bike Day Out feedback
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Bike Day Out feedback
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The current playground equipment at Banks Reserve is old. A lot of developments are coming up near this location. I am wondering if the council can look into this. To start with, the council can install used playground equipment which is safe to install at the Banks Reserve if they have a surplus. (after installation of new equipment at MM Domain or anywhere)

Bike Day Out feedback
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Bike Day Out feedback
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there was a crossing by the roundabout near Burwood Road to cross the State Highway to the Tower Road side. Like a caged pedestrian crossing.

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Bike Day Out feedback
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I wish for a crossing at the Burwood Road to cross to Firth Street

Bike Day Out feedback
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The crossing on Tamihana Street is dangerous. No lights or warnings on the ground. It’s too high and very bad. However, the council have done a brilliant job at the Pohlen Hospital crossing.

Bike Day Out feedback
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Bike Day Out feedback
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Bike Day Out feedback
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Bike Day Out feedback
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Bike Day Out feedback
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for a continued cycleway or a shared path all along Burwood Road.

Bike Day Out feedback
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Can we close Centennial Drive to cars and other vehicles and make it only for pedestrians and cyclists.

Bike Day Out feedback
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Bike Day Out feedback
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Bike Day Out feedback
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to know what the sharrows mean? The sign at the end of Rata Street is not helpful. A sign to ask cyclists to get on the ramp would be good.

Bike Day Out feedback
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Is there a shared path going to be on both sides of Broadway? Is there a bylaw for it? Will we have road marking and signage?

Bike Day Out feedback
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Bike Day Out feedback
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Bike Day Out feedback
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to eliminate the corner of 1 and 2 in the map. I think it’s a waste of time. Instead, create a connection from the Matamata Domain to the council or library via the Police Station. Red marking and crossing are required.

Bike Day Out feedback
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if there could be a connection from the Matamata Domain to the Library aka council meeting.

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I wish centennial drive/Tom grant drive were for pedestrians and bikes only, I dislike having to look out for cars while on a walk or bike with kids and don’t think it is necessary for cars to use these spaces

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Is there a safer way to connect Centennial Drive to Tom Grant Drive

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wish there was a pathway from Matamata - Waharoa to provide connection to both places along with another transport option for cyclists or a safe place for people to walk.

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I wonder what’s the point having the red paint on the roads in relation to this trial. Don’t actual see the point having it or what the benefits are having it.

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U would realise that it is illegal to ride on the foot path. This is the law. Why do I have to share the FOOTpath with bikes.
Sending bikes on rata St is odd. Why not go toward ums Rugby ground then up firth St instead of cutting out the last segment of centinnal drive. The bit with fish pond etc on.

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Why u put barriers at the end of rata St. Silly. The bikers can't slip in on the edge as u have completely blocked it
The ramp off centinnal drive to tamihanna St is stupidity high. The centinnal drive is used by cars not just walkers bikers. An the transition from Rd to ramp to Rd again takes the bumper off Yr car. An that is going slowly.
This is the govt law. Unless delivery of mail or on bikes with wheels smaller than 350mm. LAW NOT JUST MADE UP
why do walkers need to share with big bikes.

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I wonder whether there was any consultation about the placement of the ramps with those living close to them. I would think that this could be quite a problem for the residents with vehicles slowing or not to go over them. I do understand that this is about making access for cyclists and others easier but if I was living close by it would be a problem. Surely a pedestrian crossing would be better in areas where residents live close to the crossings.
Where there are wider berms a paved area for cyclists along side the footpath would be good.

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I wish the footpath to road intersections will be lifted to make the transition less bumpy. Mainly for the kids.
I think the road should not be expected to be used by kids and the footpath should be widened even if it isn’t to the width of the rest (3m)

I wonder...

I wonder how this route design fits with the brief of making better connections to schools and town

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I wish Council would take a more aggressive look at adding bike lanes on streets. For example Station Rd, should have a dedicated bike lane at least from Smith St. as should Firth St to tie in the Station Rd to Burwood Rd section. If it’s not possible to do Broadway, which it probably isn’t, then there should be one down Rawhide Ave so there is a complete circle circuit around the village via street bike lanes.

I wonder...

I wonder why a Council purporting to support more cycling install their storm water grates so the openings are parallel with the street in many cases? If a cyclist, especially a young relatively inexperienced rider who is hugging the curb were to drop their front wheel into one of those slots both they and their bike would suffer extensive injury. ALL grates should have their openings 90 degrees to the curb, allowing bikes to roll over them without the worry of getting caught in the grate.

I wish...

I wish
There will be more bumps in Tom Grant Drive to stop motorists exceeding the speed limit. This is a danger to walkers with young children and the elderly.

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I wonder
If Tom Grant drive can be used for the sole purpose for families walking and stopping access to vehicles except council vehicles . Booms can be placed at the entrances to prevent this. After all Tom Grant Drive is meant to be a reserve and not for vehicle short cuts.

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The crossing in the middle of town on Broadway by Ronnie’s was safer - cars struggle to see well

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If we need any of the other proposed crossing points

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The speed bumps weren’t changed. I see many people saying they like the new ones better, but they are to skinny and pushing a push chair over them is extremely difficult.

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Do we really need 30km on Rata street? Way to slow when people bike on the footpath anyway.

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There were raised crossings on Station road outside Firth Primary, and Smith st as people go very fast down those streets and it is dangerous for the school kids to cross.

I wonder...

To make the town more wheelchair/mobility scooter/push chair accessible if many of the footpaths could go right to the road, many of the just stop on the grass with no way of reaching the road without going on the grass, e.g on Station road crossing Rimu street, Rimu street to the new walkway leading to the new subdivision, and Hampton terrace by jellicoe road.

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30ks in Rata St is just too slow the only ones adhering to it the living there and don’t want fines. Others just scream through has stopped trucks though. e-bikes go faster than cars now on this road.

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I would like traffic lights for crossing in Broadway it is sometimes in the afternoon with sun shinning thru trees causing shadow seeing people on crossing. People just use the crossing like a continuation of the footpath and holds lots of traffic up.

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