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None of the current layouts
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They removed them and put back to normal. Currently it's an eyesore and terrible to bike or drive over.
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How many people will actually use it - Not enough to justify spending anymore on it. However this current council seem to waste ratepayers money, even if the majority don't want it. Be good to see you actually listen to us ratepayers
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The crossing in middle of town would some how be changed it’s ridiculous how backed up traffic gets. Not sure if u need that many up rawhiti ave??
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If need to change lay out of Broadway and the crossing in middle of town
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Bike Day Out feedback
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Enjoyed the BDO on Saturday. The large Red Squares at junctions are something I would definitely like to see kept and added to all cross-over roads that are used by cyclists. A great visual reminder to cars to look out for cyclists and walkers, without holding up traffic too much. More pedestrian crossings also needed, with a central island where possible, to allow two step-crossing in busy areas. Burwood road would work here, as it is a wide road. Some of the hard Black crossings could be replaced by the Red Squares at busy road junctions like Tamihana / Centenniel Drive.
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Is the council planning to do anything between the raised platform and Centennial drive, there is drop and gap.
As I noticed people who are using mobility scooter, they are struggling.
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If the bike route could pass by the school as the path is wide enough to be a shared path and would be great for the kids
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The new traffic calming cushions on Centennial Drive are much smoother and easier to navigate for all persons. The old humps that run the full width of the carriage way, are hard to negotiate and are not appropriate for people who are in mobility scooters, pushing prams or on a tricycle.
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Tom Grant could be considered as part of the route and the old humps be replaced with the softer traffic calming cushions that have been installed at Centennial Drive.
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If the old humps are to remain, if a metre width gap could be made to ensure it is more accessible to those who have mobility scooters, push prams or ride a tricycle. Thus making it easier and more enjoyable for everyone to navigate.
Bike Day Out feedback
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The idea of a crossing at Meura Street (D) and the corner of Tamihana Street (F)
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Crossing needed by Matamata Primary and Peria Road side of Broadway/Waharoa Road East.
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Firth and Smith Streets need crossings
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It is hard to cross over from the Sushi shop to Osteria on Broadway
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Need to incorporate more "share the road signs" along the town centre
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What are sharrows, why do we need them? What is the purpose and the benefits?
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I support the crossing near D to slow cars
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Crossing A needs improvements.
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Funding should go towards the crossing spots around Matamata. Waharoa Road East is hard to cross.
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I like that site C' crossing could connect Tom Grant Drive to the rest of town nicely.
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I wish there would be fewer crossings parallel to Broadway - the one at Tainui street is awkward and dangerous, seeing as it is right at the intersection, there are a number of time where someone needs to stop mid street at this one. sites D and E seem a bit dangerous.
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I wonder why the potential crossings are all at intersections...
I wonder if we can have a crossing outside the library, often we need to park on the opposite side of the road due to limited parking.
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A & D would be great
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Farmers Road would be a good one, but further back from the intersection where the one currently is. Its current position is so dangerous, traffic turning directly onto that pedestrian crossing or coming across intersection have to stop jutting out. There are so many children leaving Intermediate and College that would use it.
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I wish people on cycles would sound a bell when coming up behind other people. We walk our little dog in the drive, and find this a big problem.
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I wonder if the berm in Tamihana street could be made lower, and with a much lower lip on it. Very uncomfortable getting into the drive entrance.
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D, A, F, and E would make such a big difference!
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There was an overpass over the SH and the rail tracks to safely connect the two parts of town. European roundabouts have a pedestrian crossing on each of the four ways. Why not here? You literally have to run for your life if you want to cross, which is pathetic.
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How we can motivate the car centric people to consider and care for other traffic members. Cars are important and I love mine. But people should be able to safely walk and cycle too. It is standard in most parts of the world, just not in green and clean NZ.
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D, E and F to allow students of MPS to safely cross the road if they walk or bike to school.
For these turnings cyclists and pedestrians have to look at least 4 different ways for traffic. Biking this route I was very concerned about my children as they had no idea which way to look and the road rules. Our children cannot cycle to school due to this.
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There needs to be a crossing for Firth St, near McDonalds. So unsafe. I live on this side of town but do not allow my Primary aged children to cross the road here, if we cycle or walk we have to cross at the only pedestrian crossing - Firth Street near the college.
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Could Centennial drive be designated as a car free zone - put some bollards up with lockable access for council workers. If this was a designated walk/cycle path it would not require a pedestrian crossing and would be a huge advantage to both pedestrians and cycle users in Matamata.
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We would love it to come past the school. Anything that encourages kids to ride their bikes and makes it safer to get to school would be greatly appreciated.
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I have just driven passed Rata Street on my home for lunch and I see it has become a safe driving area, that, I do like, and we need more of those around Matamata.
However I do still think the painted green patches are a waste of time and effort, the 30km/hr sign should be sufficient for people to slow down.
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Being able to ride between the new humps is alot better
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Regarding the newly painted roadway and 30km sign, I fail to see how these can make the road safer. I still see cars going over 50km plus. Without chicanes or speed humps the road will never be safer. This had been a complete waste of time and money unless more is done.
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Riding over the new bumps is better.
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Can the old bumps be removed?
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Some spaces between the new humps is too narrow to fit mobility scooter through (near Tamihana street)
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The new speed bumps in centennial drive are great and I feel it is a lot better for enabling cyclists and scooter users to get through the park.
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Will the old speed bumps be removed if the new humps are preferable?
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The new bike racks outside the library are Fantastic! They are angled perfectly for visitors to the civic centre. This made our trip today to drop off our library books that much more delightful. A big thank you!
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Number 2 is awesome!
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Footpath into Miro Street needs to be flattened (remove camber)
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Crossing F is an awesome idea
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Crossing at point F is a great suggestion, would be good to have something there
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I think having children learn about biking and road rules would be a great thing to have in schools.
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All potential crossings are a great idea
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Existing crossings often too narrow and cars are in the way. The berm is wide enough.
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The red part of crossing by Watersons is good. However, crossing by Meuro Street isn't clear.
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There is no crossing/route to get you into Arawa Street from the Domain
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H crossing is a necessary place to cross Burwood Road which is very busy for children walking and biking to school from existing the new subdivisions. Also in the vicinity of the new bus stop on Tamihana side.
Bike Day Out feedback
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More crossings are needed by spot C
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Extra crossings for mobility scooters are needed
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The F spot crossing is a big tick from me
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Review the vision lines at Tainui level crossings. Clear the overgrown shrubs opposite Mobil as cars end up blocking the crossing
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Needs a crossing at Waharoa Road East/Peria Road
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'A' has to be safest, variability, sight and distance
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Road markings at 'C'. Is the existing pedestrian crossing effective
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Tamihana Street crossing is dangerous at night
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'A' and 'C' are needed!
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Tom Grant Drive crosses a road so we need speed bumps and warning signs there
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Put zigzag signs around the mat at 'G' and make it more visable
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I support the crossing at F but bring it back a bit.
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Road markings and speed cushions would be ideal at spot C
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Crossing G on Tamihana Street poles are not finished yet
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