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I like the set up, I live and work on these bike paths and use them to walk, cycle and drive daily.
I live close to the speed bump on Tamihana and yes, its changed the noise however, the traffic has slowed down and there are less trucks which is safer for my family.
The red painted areas are fantastic for slowing the traffic and have already had people stop for me on the walk to school and work. It's feels safer and friendlier.
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That this trial stays. It would be great to see the footpaths widened if possible for shared paths, especially Tawa St and the footpath through the domain and playground too.
I'd love to see the speed bump stay on tamihana.
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If we can have signs saying look out for others at the pools and other businesses using the shared pathways.
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If the ramp [G] in Tamihana Street is appropriate I have watched vehicles with trailers going over it and the trailers bounce around noisily in rather random ways. A lot of two trailer rucks use Tamihana Street as a short cut randomly at all hours and the noise generated by them going over the ramp is not conducive to a good night sleep for the surrounding residents. I wonder if a pedestrian crossing might be more appropriate or even going back the status quo. I wonder if the comfort of the residents is going to be taken into account because the quality of life in this area has now been compromised by this installment.
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I would likbel to see the speed hump removed from tamihana as added a lot of noise to neighbour hood especially at night with vehicles accelerating back up. The red painted road making creates a visual warning to motorists that people /cars /bikes /mobility scooter crossing. Perhaps warning signs also.
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I wish the speed bump at G could be replaced by a crossing
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I think the cycle way is great. I do wish the "traffic Calming" speed ramp in Tamihana Street could be replaced by a pedestrian crossing or similar. The ramp has increased the noise levels to a degree that makes it unpleasant to be trying to relax outside as vehicles often do not realise it is there till too late and if they do slow down they rev up often aggressively after slowing down, many don't slow down at all and the trucks no matter how they approach it make a heck of a din. The noise of trucks slowing down using air brakes, rattling loudly over the bump and then revving up again is bad enough during the day but it is making it very difficult to get a good night sleep and this is not just for Tamihana Street residents but for people in Hohaia Street in close proximity as well - I am one such Hohaia Street resident. A pedestrian crossing would allow for an as needed crossing as opposed to a carte blanche ramp which would mean that it would be mostly active during the day.and therefore making for a more peaceful environment for the surrounding residents at all times of the day and night.
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That you're starting to implement cycle lanes on the road.
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You didn't put the speed to 30km down Rata St. Put a cyclist sign instead.
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If we really need that huge speed bump or at least lower it as it's a bit dangerous as is.
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Need much safer crossings
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Look at putting a path for pedestrians on Burwood Road same side as Swap Park.
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Need a crossing at Burwood Road. Drop the speed near the roundabout.
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A shared path is a good idea. This is encouraging people to be more active and it is safe for families.
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If cars could be kept of Centennial Drive?
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The speed bumps at Tamihana Street are good but need more yellow paint! There urgently needs to be a giant sign.
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There needs to be more signage at Centennial Drive bikes crossing.
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If the Tamihana Street crossing could be improved.
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Very happy with the route and all the treatments, hope it's a permanent thing.
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To have 30km signs at Rata Street intersection.
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Was tried in Cambridge and didn't work. Would much rather have a cyclist free turn as it's safer.
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This is a good initiative. I like the 3m wide footpath width. Keep Burwood. I like the staggered cushioned speed humps on Centennial Drive. Prefer the off road route.
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The transition from Centennial Drive (on Tamihana) was a better transition to crossing threshold.
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If you keep the existing humps on Centennial if you can put a gap in them (like the new ones). Pram crossings need to be 3m
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The signage on the bike route was good but there was a letterbox in the way on Tawa. I like the new speed bumps on Centennial Drive and dislike the old ones.
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The cyclist sign in the middle of the road idea for safety of cyclists. Motorists are aware they are sharing with the cyclists.
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I like the speed bumps you have put on Centennial Drive. Many people use the drive for a morning walk including school children.I walk our blind dog there every day. The speed bumps are a great way to "quiet" the space and the gaps between or beside are great for those on wheels. I can lead my blind dog around them. Let's hope you don't get talked out of keeping them by people in cars. Centennial Drive should be a safe place for walking, cycling, riding scooters etc. You might also put a few signs so that drivers know that it is a shared footpath or even that cyclists and pedestrians have the right of way in that space.
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I wish to let the Council staff know that they did a great job organising Bike Day Out. Kudos to those on staff for setting up the whole day and organising the good weather!
I wish Matamata was a cycle and pedestrian friendly town. It is not and it's time to be up with the times. Cities all over the world are getting cars out of their CBDs, greening the spaces and encouraging pedestrian traffic. I know we are a small town but there is such opportunity for Matamata as we have lovely green spaces, views of the Kaimais, and our town could be IDEAL for CYCLING, mobility scooters, walking etc. because it is FLAT!!!! Unfortunately our town is basically a car friendly town instead. Getting cars out of the CBD would improve the quality of life for Matamata residents and would encourage visitors to actually stay in town instead of bypassing it on their way somewhere else. Day cyclists and TA riders from the Rail trail have too many obstacles if they want to go and stay or eat in town. Cyclists need to have bike racks near their cafe stop etc, etc. Why should pedestrians and cyclists have to share the footpath in town? It sends the message that cyclists aren't welcome in Matamata.
I did share with the staff at the Bike Day Out that I think cyclist commuters to businesses in town or children riding safely to schools by bike wasn't given enough consideration on the plan. Cyclists will still ride along some of the main streets even if it isn't part of the bike path (Tamihana, Burwood Road . . .) I really don't think they will go into Centennial Drive if they are commuting to work or school but that's not to say that having both Drives bike friendly shouldn't happen. It should and is important for Saturday family bike rides and a safe place for walkers. Families from out of town may even come here for the day and ride around town and have lunch here.
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I wonder if our councilors are going to consider the information received from this community consultation. I wonder if they have already made up their minds about those *#% bikes that get in the way of cars in town. I wonder if our councilors feel threatened by making changes that are good for the majority of Matamata residents especially young families. I wonder if they listen to their staff or do they listen to the guys at the pub complaining about having to slow down in the cars because there are speed bumps in the road. I wonder if they realise that those guys at the pub complain loudly while others quietly go about active living in spite of the obstacles they face living in or visiting Matamata. I wonder if the councilors will even read this. But they will be making decisions on behalf not only the people who voted for them but those who did not and also, those who didn't vote. (I dare you to print this and give a copy to every councilor). Or will this go the way of Hetana Street and trees promised to the community on Tamihana? Our council has a history of making bad decisions.
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Burwood Road x 2, but more towards the Town end.(The one at Tamihana is good). Burwood Rd is wide enough for a central Island on the crossings as well, to provide safer crossing. The more crossings in town, the better, but avoid tight junctions as shown on the map..
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The Crossings on Broadway would have press-button options with stop lights for traffic. This may also deter the heavy-duty trucks from coming through town.
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Burwood Road x 2, but more towards the Town end.(The one at Tamihana is good). Burwood Rd is wide enough for a central Island on the crossings as well, to provide safer crossing. The more crossings in town, the better, but avoid tight junctions as shown on the map..
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The Crossings on Broadway would have press-button options with stop lights for traffic. This may also deter the heavy-duty trucks from coming through town.
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I like the new, less extreme speed humps in centennial drive (i hope we can have these permanently and remove the old ones)
i like that i can go in between the humps on my bike and they're more gentle in my car. i like that centenial drive is friendly for all kinds of accessibility needs, car, motorcycle, bike and foot, very awesome.
I like the new bike racks at swim zone, library and isite, they look good and seem sturdy.
I like the bike day event, i think this could be awesome as it gets bigger.
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I wish the share roads can be restored to 50kmph and the green arrows in the middle be removed, i think its bad to have cyclists in the middle of the road, its ugly and not useful for this road.
I wish the yellow plastic barriers can be removed, i think these are acctually dangerous, forcing cyclists into the traffic. the plastic barriers disable us from turning left using the left side of the road, this one is so bad, please please get rid of that.
i wish there could be more shared padestrian/cycle ways where possible. we have nice wide berms, lets make the most of them with cycle ways that arent on the road, its much more enjoyable to be away from traffic and is way safer. if we can widen some footpaths and have one side as cycle way, the other as footway?
i wish the red painted squares along the centennial drive way can be made much more attractive if they are staying, currently,they are very ugly and dont make sense to me, what does it mean? maybe we can have a raised speedbump, with nice pavers on it to connect the centennial drive instead of red paint.
i wish we can remove the big black plastic thing on the centennial drive part of the cycle route, it is not good for anyone, cyclists, drivers, motorcyclist or mobility scooters
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i wonder if we can make everything we do more attractive? our town should be beautiful and use less plastic and more natural materials like wood and stone. i wonder if the red paint can be red pavers instead? this would be more attractive.
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The large Red squares at junctions, along with the posts. These make car drivers aware of cyclists crossing. Keep these and add more! Also, replace the large raised black blocks on Tamihana with a Red Square between Centenniel pathways. This will make the drivers happier!
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We could add even more Bike Racks. The new ones are great! Also improve directional signage for Rail-Trail riders to take them to the i-site and Cafes along the way. Gallery Cafe is keen for a Bike Rack as well.
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If a Bike trail to Waharoa might be possible along the central Berm? This could then be extended to create a circular route via Tower Road, back to Matamata on the Rail Trail section.
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Tell us above what you like about the route
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Tell us above what you wish about the route
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Tell us above what you wonder about the route
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Tell us above what you like about the crossings
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Tell us above what you wish about the crossings
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Tell us above what you wonder about the crossings
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