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Solid Waste Management and Minimisation Bylaw


In 2021 Council consulted on and adopted the Waste Minimisation and Management Plan (WMMP) alongside the Long Term Plan. The WMMP outlines how we will work towards a low-waste future and a circular economy. We’re now reviewing our Solid Waste Management and Minimisation Bylaw (Bylaw) to align it with the WMMP, as well as the new kerbside collection contract being implemented from September this year, and significant changes to policy and regulation at a central government level.

Further Targeted Consultation December 2023

We consulted on our amended Solid Waste Management and Minimisation Bylaw earlier this year. Following submissions, we noted some concern about the proposed requirement for site waste management and minimisation plans, and Council would like further feedback from the sector on this issue before adopting the Bylaw.

This survey has now closed - thank you for your feedback. Council will consider this feedback, decide whether or not to include this clause in the Bylaw, and formally adopt the Bylaw at their Council meeting in February 2024.


What was proposed

We are proposing that the draft Solid Waste Management and Minimisation Bylaw will become a standalone bylaw, and to revoke the current bylaw (part of the Consolidated Bylaw 2008).

We're proposing a number of changes in the draft Bylaw to existing clauses, such as:

  • requirements around the removal of uncollected waste;
  • the ability for Council to introduce a licensing system for waste collection
  • requirements to secure any waste that is being transported to prevent any waste falling or otherwise escaping

We're also proposing to add new clauses to help reduce waste including:

  • the ability for Council to require an event waste management and minimisation plan for major events
  • a requirement for construction site waste management and minimisation plans when applying for building consent for non-residential building work with an estimated value of $500,000 or higher.
  • new rules for clothing bins/donation collections on public places
  • new rules around the delivery of unaddressed mail or advertising material.
What you told us

Thank you to all those who took the time to make a submission during the consultation period in March - April 2023. 

We received 13 submissions on the draft Bylaw - you can view these here.

The following themes were identified from the feedback received:

  • The Bylaw (and controls contained within it) have the potential to add unnecessary red tape and hinder economic development (e.g. building consents, and event planning)
  • Concern that the proposed requirement for event organisers to submit a waste management and minimisation plan will be costly/time intensive and may discourage community events from happening.

A hearing was held on 3 May 2023 where submitters could choose to present their submission to Council in person. Four people chose to speak on the draft Bylaw. Following this, Council asked staff for further information to assist in their deliberations, and deliberations and decision-making was held at a Council meeting on 24 May 2023.


Council Decision

Council acknowledged concerns raised that the bylaw may be onerous on individuals and businesses, and will be consulting with the sector about the requirement for construction site waste management and minimisation plans.

Following this, Council will consider further feedback received and amend the bylaw as required. Note that the Bylaw has not yet been adopted and the current Solid Waste Management and Minimisation Bylaw 2017 remains in place.


Learn more

Use the button below to view the draft Bylaw in full. Also check out the 'Related Documents' box to the right for other background information that may be helpful in making a submission. 

Summary of proposed changes     Draft Bylaw

Note the summary of proposed changes is 'as consulted on'. Council is proposing further changes, and will produce a new summary. 


Project Timeline


Council adopt Waste Management and Minimisation Plan

July 2021



Council review Solid Waste Bylaw

Late 2022/Early 2023


Consultation on draft Solid Waste Management and Minimisation Bylaw

14 March - 14 April 2023



Hearing on Solid Waste Management and Minimisation Bylaw

3 May 2023


Council consider submissions/make decisions



Council to undertake further targeted consultation

December 2023

Council adopt Solid Waste Management and Minimisation Bylaw

February 2024