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13.3 District Council

13.3.1 Strategic Plan

The Council is to establish a strategic plan to provide strategies to meet the needs of the District in the foreseeable future. Strategic Policies are listed throughout the Issues, Objectives and Policies Section as a means of meeting the demands of future development.


The strategic policies will be taken into account when assessing any resource consent application in the District.

13.3.2 Annual Plan

Council’s Annual Plan prioritises and budgets Council’s annual business. It is a method of ensuring that public input to matters such as infrastructure development is carried out in an orderly manner providing services where they are required in the immediate future.


The Annual Plan is publicly consulted before being adopted by Council and can respond quickly to changes in public need as development progresses.


The Annual Plan may include, but is not necessarily limited to:

  • Prioritising and Funding Infrastructure development.
  • Prioritising and funding reserve development.
  • Providing for the protection, maintenance and enhancement of scheduled significant features, trees and landscapes.
  • Providing for the maintenance of special character areas and promotion of Mainstreet programmes.
  • Providing for ongoing consultation with the Tangata Whenua.
  • Providing for education programmes which promote the sustainable use of resources including heritage and natural environment resources.
  • Providing professional advice to property owners on tree matters.
  • Providing financial assistance and other incentives to encourage the voluntary protection of wetlands and wetland margins.
  • Liaising with DOC, Fish & Game Council and WRC with a view towards the identification of appropriate wildlife corridors.
  • Providing financial assistance for resource consent applications as notified in terms of section 150 of the Local Government Act 2002.

13.3.3 Building Code

The Building Code contains requirements for the maintenance and provision of on-site amenity and shall be complied with by every structure erected within the District.

13.3.4 Land Information Memorandum

Council shall encourage all prospective Land purchasers to apply for a Land Information Memorandum (LIM) with respect to Land within the District.
The LIM shall contain all information Council may hold with regard to the property and may include advice on;

  • Building Consents issued,
  • Resource Consents issued,
  • the presence of any significant features,
  • the presence of any natural hazards,
  • the presence of any hazardous substances,
  • any noise emission control boundary situated on the property.

13.3.5 MPDC Development Manual 2010

The MPDC Development Manual 2010 within Appendix 3 of the District Plan contains the design requirements for all developments and/or subdivisions within the District.  This provides the preferred means of compliance with the performance outcomes sought within the District Plan.


13.3.6    Infrastructure Code of Practice

The MPDC Infrastructure Code of Practice provides the technical specifications and quality systems that apply to all assets to be vested with MPDC.

13.3.7 National Urban Design Protocol

Council is a signatory to the National Urban Design Protocol and may develop guidelines for use by the community. The performance standards within Section 6.2.1 of the District Plan provide the requirements of MPDC in respect of the New Zealand Urban Design Protocol.

The Council has prepared Urban Design Guidelines to assist in the interpretation and application of these requirements.

13.3.8 Land Purchase

  1. Where subdivision does not occur Council may be pro-active in obtaining either esplanade reserves or access strips in the following circumstances and as budgetary opportunities allow:

    • Where a potentially continuous stretch of the esplanade reserves network is not continuous due to a small number of isolated areas not included in the network by some other means.
    • Where access to an important recreation or conservation area is warranted.
    • Where subdivision of an area appears complete and, unless access is negotiated, a continuous esplanade reserves network would not be available.
  2. Council recognises the community desire to have the area defined as Kaitiaki Zone within the Kaimai Ranges returned to its natural native afforested state for landscape values. In recognition of this Council may acquire by agreement land in this zone for this purpose in accordance with section 86 of the Resource Management Act

13.3.9 Bylaws and Environmental Health Enforcement

Council’s Bylaws and Environmental Health officers will ensure that the provisions of the Bylaws and the Health Act are enforced to achieve the environmental results anticipated in this plan and to avoid nuisance being created in the District.


13.3.10 Landcare Plans

Where development is undertaken in accordance with a Landcare Plan adopted for the property and recorded on the title, the property may be eligible to apply for Council grants to complete conservation planting and protective fencing of such areas. Council may fund this through the Annual Plan.


13.3.11 Hazardous Substances

  • Council will assist with the identification and promotion of suitable industrial standards and Codes of Practice to avoid, remedy or mitigate environmental effects and risks associated with hazardous substances and facilities.
  • Council will assist with the development of guidelines to assist operators of hazardous facilities in achieving compliance with relevant management requirements.
  • Council will promote The use of the "Cleaner Production Guidelines" produced by the Ministry for the Environment.
  • Council will work with Environment Waikato and other relevant agencies to develop a framework for managing high risk contaminated sites.

13.3.12 Property Protocol Plans

Council will facilitate the development of property protocol plans in conjunction with landowners, lessees or contractors to ensure the effective and appropriate use of spray equipment and identification of weeds and pests on rural properties.


13.3.13 Solid Waste Disposal

Council will encourage the disposal of all waste to conform with its solid waste minimisation strategy.


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