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Public Bylaw Survey

Have your say!

Public Amenities Bylaw and Public Safety Bylaw

We’re reviewing both our Public Amenities Bylaw and Public Safety Bylaw and want to learn about the issues that people experience in our community, so we can understand what changes should be made. Both of these Bylaws aim to ensure the safety and enjoyment of our public spaces and Council facilities (like parks, libraries, cemeteries, etc.). We need your input on what should be included in our Bylaws to support happy and healthy communities (and good neighbours!).

This is an opportunity to provide your feedback on what you think the important issues are to help shape these Bylaws to better serve the community.

What are Bylaws?

Bylaws are rules made by Council under the Local Government Act 2002.

Generally, bylaws are made to:

  • protect the public from nuisance
  • protect, promote, and maintain public health and safety
  • minimise the potential for offensive behaviour in public places.

Bylaws are like ground rules for how we live and work together in a community. Imagine them as the “house rules” for your district, neighbourhood and community. Bylaws help to keep things running smoothly and make sure everyone’s playing fair so we can all get along and enjoy where we live. Together we can create a “how to guide” to being a good neighbour and citizen.

To learn more about Bylaws and why they are being reviewed, click here.

Please select one

Please select one

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Alcohol in public places

See the current wording in the Public Safety Bylaw here - Possession and consumption of Alcohol in Public Places (pdf 3.1MB)

See the current alcohol ban areas in the Public Safety Bylaw here - Alcohol ban areas (pdf 3.1MB)

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Animals (excluding dogs)

(Please note that dogs are covered under the Dog Control Bylaw 2010 (pdf 444KB))

See the current wording in the Public Amenities Bylaw here - Animals in Public Amenities

See the current wording in the Public Safety Bylaw here - Keeping of Animals (pdf 3.1MB) and Animals on Public Places (pdf 3.1MB)

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Behaviour and Personal Safety

See the current wording in the Public Safety Bylaw here - Safety in Public Places (pdf 3.1MB), and Nuisance on private property (pdf 3.1MB).

See the current wording in the Public Amenities Bylaw here - Restricted conduct in public amenities.

See the restricted areas for skating devices here - Restricted areas for skating devices.

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Neighbourly issues

We want fewer bad neighbours and more rad neighbours.

See the current Public Amenities Bylaw wording here - Restricted conduct in public amenities

See the current Public Safety Bylaw wording here - Nuisance on private property (pdf 3.1MB)

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Public Health and Safety

See the current wording in the Public Safety Bylaw below:

Safety in Public Places (pdf 3.1MB)

Food hygiene (pdf 3.1MB)

Safety requirements for Hostels (pdf 3.1MB)

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Note that food safety is managed under the Food Safety Act 2014.

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Signage in Public Places

See the current wording in the Public Safety Bylaw here - Control of signage (pdf 3.1MB)

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Trading in Public Places

See the current wording in the Public Safety Bylaw here - Trading in Public Places (pdf 3.1MB)

See the current areas excluded from mobile shop trading here - Areas excluded from mobile shop trading (pdf 3.1MB)

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Vehicles in public amenities

See the current Public Amenities Bylaw wording below:

General Restrictions on Conduct in Public Amenities - Vehicles

Vehicles in Cemeteries 

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Other Topics

If you have any feedback on other topics covered in the Bylaws (e.g. Vegetation, projections on public placesroad and building identification or anything else), please enter it below. 

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Submission page

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Thank you for providing your feedback. This will be considered by Council when reviewing the Public Safety Bylaw and Public Amenities Bylaw and when drafting the new bylaw/s. Formal consultation on the updated draft bylaw/s will happen in March/April 2025.

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