4. Cemeteries
4.5 Work Practices
No person erecting or repairing any cemetery memorial or carrying out other work in any cemetery shall use any footpaths or other part of the cemetery for placing or depositing there, any tools, planks or materials for a longer time than is reasonably necessary to complete the work.
Any person installing or attending a cemetery memorial or carrying out any other work in a cemetery shall withdraw for the duration of an adjoining funeral service in the same block or near vicinty. Such person shall also remove tools, planks and other materials which may obstruct access to an adjoining service for the duration of said service. Authorised Officers may continue to work in other areas of the Cemetery provided it will not disrupt the service.
Funeral services must be held more than two hours spart unless Approved by an Authorised Officer.
Any rubble and earth not required in the filling in of the grave or in connection with the levelling will immediately be removed either from the cemetery or to a place within the cemetery approved by the Sexton.