Council is responsible for fixing individual streetlights if it's a blown light bulb or broken light fitting, but if it is a fault with the cable carrying electricity to the streetlights, that will be fixed by Powerco once we notify our electricity supplier.
Streetlights are maintained and serviced by our maintenance contractor who patrols roads regularly. However, we also rely on our residents to report faults to us.
Report a faulty streetlight
If a streetlight near you is not working, contact us on 07 884 0060, log a report via the Antenno app or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Include a good description of the street address and a description of the problem e.g. lights out or flickering.
If the streetlight is on a State Highway (in the 70km - 100km zone), please contact New Zealand Transport Agency - Waka Kotahi.
Electricity retailer and Powerco
Once we've reported the power supply faults to our electricity retailer, they then pass it on to Powerco. Powerco manages power lines, poles, transformers, cables and pipes that connect homes and businesses with electricty and gas. Powerco receives the notification and will deploy a technician to the fault.
What's the process
- Council notifies our streetlight contractor, who will physically assess the streetlight outage in the first instance.
- In the event that the outage is due to an issue on the Powerco network, we notify Powerco via our retail company.
- PowerCo receives the notification and will deploy a technician.