Project governance and management

Barry Harris - co-chair
Barry brings considerable governance and leadership experience in local/regional government and commercial enterprises. He currently serves as chairman of NIWA, Ospri, Food Waikato, Waikato Regional Airport and McFall Fuel, and is a director of WEL networks.

Norm Hill - co-chair
Norm is an environmental consultant responsible for integrating cultural values into large-scale infrastructure and residential projects. He has over 21 years' experience in resource and environmental management, strategy and research, and corporate-cultural relationships.
Norm is co-chairing the Te Aroha Spa Governance Group on behalf of Ngāti Tumutumu and has held many governance roles with a range of other iwi and community organisations. He is currently deputy chair of Tainui Waka Tourism Inc, trustee of the Waikato Tainui Tribal Parliament (Te Whakakitenga O Waikato), and a member of Te Ao Maaori Reference Group for the New Zealand Biodiversity Strategy.

Kiri Goulter
Kiri brings over 20 years’ experience in the tourism and economic development sectors. She was Chief Executive of Hamilton & Waikato Tourism for seven years and has held management roles with Tourism New Zealand and Enterprise Northland.
Kiri is a Trustee of Te Awa Cycle Trail, director of the Waikato Institute of Technology (Wintec), and is currently leading a national destination management programme with Regional Tourism New Zealand.

Jill Taylor
Jill is of Ngāti Tumutumu descent and brings a tikanga Māori perspective, along with an indepth understanding of the area's history. Jill is currently the General Manager of the Ngati Tumutumu Iwi Trust, and is a Director on the Trust's commercial entity - Ngati Tumutumu Holdings Group Ltd.
Jill is also a Trustee on the Hauraki Rail Trail, a member of Council's Manawhenua Forum, as well as a Treaty negotiator for her Iwi on the Hauraki Collective.

Francis Pauwels
Frances is an experienced leader with proven results in developing and delivering strategic projects, and achieving operational and financial performance across a range of industry sectors. He is the founder and director or Karu NZ – a company that specialises in facilitating economic development projects and strategic investment in regional New Zealand. Recent projects include hot springs spa developments and a Tourism Masterplan.

Mayor Adrienne Wilcock
Mayor Adrienne is the Council representative who provides a community and district perspective.

Graham Shortland - Project Manager
Project Manager, Graham Shortland, brings the necessary commercial experience and acumen to this project. He is an experienced leader with a background in domestic and international business management.
Before starting his own consultancy business, Graham was CEO of Wallace Group who were a diverse, large scale agri-business.