Day spa Changes in the water for Te Aroha Spa project The development of a new $37 million spa complex in Te Aroha is looking less likely after Council voted at their final meeting of the year to engage further with one of the third party investors... Looking ahead for the Te Aroha Spa project How the project started In 2019 we began investigating options for the Te Aroha spas as the existing Te Aroha Mineral Spas hot pools were operating at capacity and had potential to... International spa experts visit Te Aroha In mid July 2023 we hosted an international delegation of spa and wellness professionals from the United States, China, Japan, Australia and Europe. Te Aroha was the first stop in a two-week tour... Te Aroha Spa project reaches major milestone The Te Aroha Spa project received Council support to progress to the next stage after viewing ... Te Aroha spa focus for 2022 At the end of 2021, the investigations into land stability and geothermal water availability for a new day spa gave us enough confidence to continue planning for a new facility. Exploring possible Te Aroha spa locations Walking through the Te Aroha Domain in mid November you may have noticed soil samples being taken in various spots, using a hand auger. An auger is like a manual drill and taking samples by hand... Te Aroha spa risks being assessed After a strong show of community support for the Te Aroha Spa proposal during the 2021-2031 Long Term Plan consultation, Council has committed $18.9 million to the project over the next 10 years.... Te Aroha spa proposal moving ahead We are moving ahead with the first phase of the Te Aroha Spa proposal. This is part of a larger vision to attract more visitors to Te Aroha, economic development for the town and broader... Domain project to progress without PGF funding Our application for funding for a new spa complex in Te Aroha has missed out on funding through the Provincial Growth Fund. We were formally notified recently that our Provincial Growth...