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Get your project off the ground in 2024

This is the chance you’ve been waiting for!

The next funding round for the Creative Communities Scheme is about to open and we’re super excited to see what creative and community-centred initiatives we can give a boost in 2024.

We’re looking for projects that either encourage participation within the local community, support diversity or enable young people under 18 to get involved with the arts.

There are two funding rounds annually - the one coming up now opens on Wednesday 7 August and will be open for five weeks until Wednesday 11 September. Single-Year Community Grants can also be applied for during this period.

Single-Year Community Grants support not-for-profit community organisations that deliver services, programmes and activities that benefit the social, cultural and environmental wellbeing of communities in Matamata-Piako.

Does that sound like a group you know? Head to and start putting your application together now.

If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to give us a call or send an email through to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Get Creative Matamata-Piako