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Dog registration competition winners

One lucky local and her furry friend are all smiles after being named winners of our annual dog registration competition.

Congratulations to Rochelle Edgar of Morrinsville and her Labrador Leia. The duo won a free year's worth of dog registration fees for the 2024/25 year valued at $157. The competition which ran from 5 - 30 April 2024, encouraging owners around the district to have their registration notice emailed rather than posted. All owners who opted for the switch went into the draw to win.

A recent addition to the Edgar family, Leia is just over a year old and has the energy to match. A big fan of the outdoors, her favourite spots include the nearby Oak Patch, the Morrinsville river walk and enjoys cooling off in the family inflatable pool during the hot summer months.

In our district, we’re fortunate to have some great on and off leash friendly excersie areas. A list of where your dog can exercise without a leash can be found on our website at Dog Excercise Areas. When asked about treats, Leia's appetite has no limits, with a passion for sneaking into last night's leftovers.

As we head into the winter months, we all know how easy it can get to miss out on our daily exercise plans - skipping out on those daily routines could affect your dog more than you realise. ''It's important to stay consistent with training, especially at such a young age'' says winner Rochelle Edgar. SPCA New Zealand touches on the importance of dog behaviour and training, suggesting at least two short training sessions per day and the benefits of placing specific commands into your pets' routines.

So come on, let's get digital Matamata-Piako! We encourage you to go digital by subscribing to our e-newsletter Doggo in the District. We know life can get busy, so we’ve also made a few of our processes easier by moving them online.hether you're transferring ownership, updating your registered dog's information or notifying us of their passing, you no longer need to pop into your local Council office - just click here to update your dog's details online Save the date! 2024/25 registrations are heading your way in June. All dogs need their registration renewed by 31 July 2024. 

Winners of our Dog rego competition Rochelle and Leia

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