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Site blessing marks start of Morrinsville Recreation Ground perimeter path construction

Construction of a new path to better connect the Morrinsville Recreation Ground to the town centre is underway, following a site blessing by local hapū Ngāti Werewere of Ngāti Hauā, early Monday morning.

From Monday 7 August we are constructing a path on the reserve that runs alongside the railway track from Lorne Street to Avenue Road South, thanks to Long Term Plan and Waka Kotahi Transport Choices funding. The path is due to be open to the public by December 2023.

The works area is currently roped off and there will be no access to this area from Lorne Street or Chapman Crescent during construction. This work will not impact the rest of Morrinsville Rec, please continue to use the sports fields, dog exercise area and car park areas as per usual.

Over the next few months we will also be widening sections of the existing river walk along Avenue Road South and resealing the upper path along the river. We will let the community know via Antenno when this work is taking place.

The Morrinsville Rec perimeter path is one of seven transport projects across the district that is receiving funding from the Waka Kotahi's Transport Choices programme. We have also received Transport Choices funding for a portable pop-up pump track to help make our open spaces more attractive for our young people. 

Transport Choices is part of the Climate Emergency Response Fund investing $350 million nationwide in projects that provide safer and more convenient choices for walking, cycling, and public transport to reduce people’s reliance on cars.

You can see more about the Morrinsville Recreation Ground perimeter path at and our Transport Choices projects including pop up pump track at





Images: Ngāti Hauā representatives, elected members and community members gather for the Morrinsville Recreation Ground perimeter path site blessing.

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