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Morrinsville Rec perimeter walk on its way

Thanks to everyone who took part in our Reimagine Morrinsville Rec consultation last year to develop a long term plan for the ground, we have some great news!

One of the more popular ideas was to construct a path along the perimeter of the Rec to make it more accessible to local neighbourhoods and the town centre. Thanks to Long Term Plan and Waka Kotahi Transport Choices funding, we’re able to get the perimeter path completed sooner than hoped.

A tender has gone out for work to complete a 950m long, 3m wide shared concrete path along the Northern side of the Rec which will link to existing footpaths and the river walk, creating a loop. We’ll also be widening and resealing parts of the river walk. We aim to have these paths ready to go by summer, creating more walking and biking options in Morrinsville. The master plan we've adopted for The Rec has a range of possible ways we could use the fields and other spaces. It shows we could potentially use the land along the railway track for an off-leash dog area and Frisbee golf or similar in the future. The path design is mindful to not interfere with these spaces, only improve access to them. Watch this space!

You can read more about the project at


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