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2.1 Guide to the Activity Table

The activity table below lists the majority of activities anticipated in the District.


Activities may be one of six categories depending on the zone in which they are located and the potential effects they may have on the environment.


The six activity categories are:

  1. Permitted (P).
    These activities may proceed as of right provided they comply with the rules of the District Plan;

  3. Controlled (C).
    These activities are subject to consent from Council. Consent will be assessed in accordance with the Development Suitability Criteria in Section 1.2 and the Assessment Criteria in Section 1.3. Provided the activity meets the Development Controls (Section 3), the Activity Related Standards (Section 4) and the Performance Standards (5) of the Plan it is not within Council’s powers to decline a resource consent application for a controlled activity;

  5. Restricted Discretionary (RD).
    Any permitted or controlled activity that does not comply with any rule or rules of this plan, unless otherwise provided, shall become a restricted discretionary (RD) activity with respect to that particular area of non-compliance;

  7. Discretionary (D).
    These activities are subject to consent from Council. Consent will be assessed in accordance with the Development Suitability Criteria in Section 2.1 and the Assessment Criteria in Section 1.4. However, these criteria and other rules in the Plan do not restrict Council's discretionary powers. It is within Council’s powers to either approve an application (with or without conditions) or to decline the application altogether;

  9. Non-complying (N/C).
    These activities are not provided for in the plan and are subject to consent from Council. Consent will be assessed in accordance with the requirements of the Act. All activities not listed in the Activity Tables are deemed to be non-complying;

  11. Prohibited (PRHB).
    These activities are not allowed in the zone.


Conditions may be imposed on any resource consent to avoid, remedy or mitigate any adverse effect of the proposal on the environment with reference to the objectives and policies of the Plan.


The District is made up of six zones.

  1. Rural
  2. Rural-residential
  3. Residential
  4. Industrial
  5. Business
  6. Kaitiaki (Conservation)


These zones are shown on the Planning Maps in Part C.


The Activity table is grouped into nine activity areas.

  1. General. These activities apply in all other activity areas.
  2. Community Related Activities
  3. a title="definitions" href="/district-plan/96-district-plan/district-plan-part-b/345-15-definitions">Dwellings and Dwelling Based Activities
  4. Industrial Based Activities
  5. Marae, Wharenui and Housing Development
  6. Reserve, Landscape and Conservation Activities
  7. Retailing and Office Based Activities
  8. Rural Based Activities
  9. Other Sections of the District Plan. Refer to the separate sections indicated for further information


How to use the Table

  1. Find out what zone your site is in from the Planning Maps, Part C.
  2. Turn to the activity area in the table that your activity falls into. For example, if you wish to open a pre-school (educational facility) look under Community Related Activities.
  3. Find your specific activity in the list.
  4. Follow along the line to the zone you are in and note the activity category.

    e.g. Educational Facility in a Residential Zone

    • Educational facilities

  5. Rural Rural-Residential Residential Industrial Business Kaitiaki
    P P P P P N/C


  6. Having found the right category you probably have more questions. If in doubt ask a planner.

  8. Please note that in addition the matters conveyed in Tables in Sections 5, 8, 10, 11 and 12 must also be complied with.

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