Requirements for Licence to Occupy
- There will be No Smoking (including Vaping)
- No structures are to be installed without written approval of an authorised Council officer.
- A clearway for pedestrians must be maintained at all times in accordance with the requirements of your License to Occupy.
- Permission is obtained from Occupiers of property immediately adjacent to the Public Space where the Licence to Occupy is required.
Scale drawing
Please provide a scale drawing/plan of the area you propose to use.
Your drawing must include:
- Your own property, and the properties either side
- The area from the property boundary out to the kerb and channel
- A clearway zone of 1.5 metres (m) minimum if the frontage is 3.5m or less; or 2m minimum if the frontage is greater than 3.5m
- A 0.8m wide strip adjacent and parallel to the kerb is kept clear of patrons and objects at all times to allow for vehicle overhang
- All permanent fixtures (rubbish bins, signs, streetlights-poles, seats etc.)
- Veranda roof-line
The centre line of the clearway will be the centreline of the footpath unless Council has a defined delineated clearway.
Below is an example drawing: