Part 4 – Stormwater Drainage
4.7 Resource Consents Required
Resource Consents from the Waikato Regional Council may be required for the following work:
- The discharge of contaminants during construction work
- The diversion of natural water during construction work
- The permanent diversion of natural water as a consequence of the development
- The discharge of stormwater into natural waterways
In the case of both discharge of contaminants and diversion of natural water during construction, the necessary Resource Consent shall be applied for by the Developer and is to be exercised in the name of the Developer.
The Resource Consent, in respect of the permanent diversion of natural water, or where the discharge of stormwater into natural waterways is solely from the subdivision or development, shall initially be applied for in the name of the Developer. It will be a matter of negotiation between the Developer and Council as to what scope the consents shall have. Generally construction related consents will not be transferred to the Council. The Resource Consent will not be taken over by Council until:
- All earthworks including building sites have been completed
- All consent conditions are approved by Council
The Developer must obtain agreement from the Waikato Regional Council that the consent has been complied with.