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Policies & Bylaws


Alcohol Regulations 

Council has a Local Alcohol Policy and Alcohol Ban.


Board Appointment and Remuneration Policy - pdf, 498.23KB



Bylaws are local legislation enforceable by Council staff, and other nominated agencies. 


Code of Conduct - PDF 282.55KB

The Matamata-Piako District Council Code of Conduct sets out the values, understandings and expectations agreed on by the Mayor and Councillors about how they will conduct themselves while acting as Elected Members of the Matamata-Piako District Council. 


Dangerous, Affected and Insanitary Buildings Policy 2024

The Dangerous, Affected and Insanitary Buildings Policy 2024 has been prepared by Council to comply with section 131 of the Building Act 2004 which requires Council to have a policy on Dangerous, Affected and Insanitary Buildings. This policy supersedes Council’s Earthquake-prone, Dangerous and Insanitary Buildings Policy 2016.


Development Contributions Policy

Development contributions (DCs) are charged to people who are developing property in the district. These payments ensure we can continue to provide assets and services to meet the demand created by growth. How much DC's cost depends on the type of development and the area that it is in - please see the current Fees and Charges below.


Development Manual 2010

The MPDC Development Manual sets out the processes and standards that are expected to be followed and met whenever any development project is undertaken in accordance with the Matamata-Piako District Plan.



Easter Trading Policy 2022 - PDF 451KB

The purpose of the Local Easter Sunday Shop Trading Policy ("Policy") is to enable shops to trade on Easter Sunday if they wish to. The Policy neither requires shops to open, or individuals to shop on Easter Sunday.

Elected Members' Remuneration, Allowances and Expenses Policy

This Policy outlines the remuneration, allowances and expenses allowable for elected members – these are in accordance with the Remuneration Authority rules.


Fees and Charges

This outlines all of Council's Fees and Charges, including dog registration fees, building and resource consent fees, swimming pool entry fees, hireage fees etc. These fees and charges are applicable from 1 July each year and are inclusive of GST (except where otherwise specified).

Freedom Camping

This has the guidelines for anyone Freedom Camping in our district. It includes time restrictions, prohibited and restricted areas, and details around self-containment. The Bylaw seeks to protect areas, the health and safety of people using areas, and protecting access to areas, from negative impacts caused by freedom camping.


Gambling Venue Policy 2022 - PDF 451KB

This policy outlines Council’s responsibility and role in dealing with gambling venues within the Matamata-Piako District. Note that Council also has a TAB Board Venue Policy.


Grants and Funding Policies 

Council administers several grants to support groups and individuals in our community.


Infrastructure Code of Practice

The Infrastructure Code of Practice sets out the standards for materials and construction required by Matamata-Piako District Council.


Investment Policy

The Local Government Act 2002 requires Council to adopt a policy for the management of investments.

Liability Management Policy

Section 104 of the Local Government Act 2002 requires us to adopt a policy for the management of borrowing and other liabilities.


Local Governance Statement - PDF 426KB


Policy on Dogs - PDF 124 KB

Council have identified five objectives for dog control in the Matamata-Piako District and developed policies to help achieve them.


Psychoactive Substances Policy (Local Approved Products Policy) 2024 - PDF 727.21KB

Central government introduced the Psychoactive Substances Act 2013 in July 2013. This Act allows councils to work with their communities to determine where licensed retail outlets can be located through the development of a Local Approved Products Policy. Psychoactive substances are regulated by the Psychoactive Substances Regulatory Authority. There are no approved products that are currently approved for sale, however this policy restricts where products may be sold in the event this was to change in the future. This policy is considered by the Authority when making decisions on applications for licenses to sell legal highs.

Sensitive sites

Council's Psychoactive Substances Policy (Local Approved Products Policy) restricts where psychoactive substances or “legal highs” can be sold from and the distance these shops need to be from a ‘sensitive site’ e.g. a church, community centre.

The maps below show the sensitive sites in Morrinsville, Matamata and Te Aroha. This will help potential applicants and the Authority work out where a legal high store could be located in the event that a product is approved:

Matamata Sensitive Sites (PDF, 7.57MB)

Morrinsville Sensitive Sites (PDF, 6.71MB)

Te Aroha Sensitive Sites (PDF, 6.79MB)


Rates Remission and Postponement Policy - PDF 247.94KB

This policy contains all of our policies regarding the remission and postponement of rates.


Revenue and Financing Policy - PDF 1.42MB

The Revenue and Financing Policy describes how Council will fund operating expenses and capital expenditure from the funding sources specified in section 103 of the Local Government Act 2002.


Road Naming Policy - PDF 403KB

The Council is responsible for the naming of roads and numbering of land and buildings, under section 319, 319A and 319B of the Local Government Act 1974. This policy covers both the naming of access ways and the naming of roads to ensure there is consistency.


Significance and Engagement Policy - PDF 927KB

This policy helps Council to determine what the really important (‘significant’) issues are to the community, and how we will go about involving the community in making those decisions (‘engagement’).


Smokefree Outdoor Spaces Policy

This policy establishes smokefree outdoor public areas in the district that promote the health and wellbeing of our communities. The purpose is to reduce the presence of smoking and de-normalise smoking behaviour.

The policy follows a non-regulatory approach aimed at changing behaviour and promoting a positive smokefree message throughout the community. Compliance with the policy is encouraged by empowering the public to model and promote appropriate behaviour in a positive manner, which in turn encourages others to be smokefree.


Stormwater Requirements - PDF 390KB

This document outlines all the rules and regulations for Stormwater when undertaking a development in the Matamata-Piako District.

Soakage Design Guidelines (pdf, 2.6MB)
Residential Soakage Calculator (xlsx, 21.5KB)


Submissions Policy - PDF 328.09KB

This policy sets out guidance and provides clarity around the process for receiving submissions/feedback on consultations carried out in accordance with the Local Government Act 2002 (LGA).

Sustainability Policy -  PDF 212KB

One of the purposes of local government is to promote the social, economic, environmental and cultural well-being of communities - in the present and for the future. Council has a clear responsibility to act, operate and develop in a sustainable way and this policy outlines how we will do this.


TAB Board Venue Policy 2022 - PDF 756KB

This policy outlines Council’s responsibility and role in dealing with TAB Board venues within the Matamata-Piako District. Note that Council also has a Gambling Venue Policy

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