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Plan Change 50: Hobbiton Development Concept Plan, 487, 501 and 502 Buckland Road, Matamata

Plan Change 50 seeks to introduce a Development Concept Plan (DCP) for the Hobbiton Movie Set at Buckland Road, Matamata.

The purpose of the DCP is to provide a site specific planning framework to regulate the ongoing operation and growth of visitor numbers and tourism activities at Hobbiton, including visitor accommodation, and their associated noise, traffic, visual and other effects.

The Process

*Date is an estimate only and may be subject to change.


This plan change was notified, calling for public submissions on 4 April 2018. Submissions closed on 3 May 2018. The plan change was notified again inviting further submissions on 6 June 2018.  Further submissions closed on 20 June 2018.

A panel of hearing commissioners considered submissions at a hearing on 8-9 April 2019.

The hearing was reconvened on 29 May 2019 to allow the exchange of further information and for the Panel to commence its deliberations on the plan change. Following the receipt of the requested further information, the hearing was confirmed closed on 19 June 2019

The panel have completed its deliberations and have accepted the plan change (with modifications) which was notified on 31 July 2019. The appeal period closes 5.00pm, 11 September 2019.

Council decided at its meeting on 10 October 2019 to make Plan Change 50 operative on Wednesday 18 December 2019.


Public Notice


Schedule 1

DCP Sheet 1

DCP Sheet 2

DCP Sheet 3

DCP Sheet 4

DCP Sheet 5

DCP Sheet 6

DCP Sheet 7

Schedule 2

Schedule 3


Applicant Right of Reply - Updated revision of the suggested amendments to the Development Concept Plan provisions in response to the questions from the Hearing Panel

Rings Scenic Tours response to Commissioner's directions

Annexure 1

DCP Sheet 1

DCP Sheet 2

DCP Sheet 3

DCP Sheet 4

DCP Sheet 5

DCP Sheet 6

DCP Sheet 7

Activity Schedule


Matters of Discretion Table

Parts A, B & C

Performance Standards Tables

Annexure 2

Draft Memorandum of Understanding

Appendix 1 - Drawings

Appendix 2 - Location Plan

Applicant Right of Reply Information tabled at the Hearing 29 May 2019

Reply Submissions of Counsel for Rings Scenic Tours (RST)

Attachment A - Comparative Development Concept Plans (DCP)

Attachment B - Amended Provisions and DCP Plans Requested by RST in response to Matamata-Piako District Council (MDDC)

Attachment C - Second Generation DCP Example in Matamata-Piako District Plan

Attachment D - Bridget Gilbert Plan Recommended by MPDC

Attachment E - Mansergh Graham Landscape Architects Plan C2

Attachment F - Waikato Regional Council Stormwater Consent for Precinct 1 Stormwater Wetland

Attachment G - Mansergh Graham Landscape Architects Plan C3

Attachment H - Amended Memorandum of Understanding by RST in Response to MPDC Recommendations

Attachment I - Economic Assessment Report - August 2017

Email - Gregan Family Trust regarding Buckland Road




Information provided by Matamata-Piako District Council Section 42A Reporting Team 24 April 2019


Memorandum on Behalf of Section 42A Report Team

Annexure A - Amended Provisions

Annexure B - Memorandum of Understanding

Annexure C - Precinct 1 Mitigation Plan

Annexure D - Development Concept Plan s42A Report

Annexure E - N Hegley Notes of Evidence

Information requested by and/or supplied to the Hearing panel during the Hearing 8 April 2019 by:

John Evans

New Zealand Transport Agency

Information tabled at the Hearing 8 April 2019 by:

Dr Joan Forret

Russell Alexander

Michael Graham

Cameron Inder

Bridget Gilbert

David and Eveline Reichmuth

Claudia Jones

Glenda O'Sullivan

Alastair Black

Rachel Abraham

The hearing report and accompanying documentation can be accessed below;

Hearing Report

Appendix A - Summary of submissions and further submissions

Appendix B - Recommended changes to DCP (tracked changes), and other consequential changes to the District Plan proposed as a consequence of the Plan Change. Memorandum of Understanding.

Appendix C - Rings Scenic Tours Ltd - Development Concept Plan - Updated Transportation Review, March 2019, Graymatter Ltd

Additional Information relating to the Hearing Report

Applicant's Statement of Evidence - Acoustic Matters

Applicant's Statement of Evidence - Landscaping and Visual Assessment

Applicant's Statement of Evidence - Planning

Applicant's Statement of Evidence - Traffic Engineering

Submitters Statement of Evidence - J Swap Contractors Limited

Submitters Statement of Evidence - New Zealand Transport Agency


Submissions and Summary of Submissions

Summary of Submissions

Summary of Submissions and Further Submissions (pdf, 265kb)

Further Submission 1 - Powerco Limited (pdf, 260kb)

Further Submission 2 - J Swap Contractors (pdf, 481kb)

Further Submission 3 - New Zealand Transport Agency (pdf, 420kb)

Further Submission 4 - Matamata-Piako District Council (pdf, 172kb)

Public notice of summary of submissions


Submissions 1 to 15

You can read more about making a submission on the Ministry for the Environment website  

Notified Plan Change

Public Notice (pdf, 77KB)

Rings Scenic Tours Limited’s Proposed Development Concept Plan Application for Plan Change 50 (pdf, 1.4MB)

Schedule 1: Location of Plan Change Land (pdf, 932KB)

Schedule 2: Proposed Changes to the Operative Matamata-Piako District Plan (pdf, 13.8MB)

Schedule 3: Section 32 Report (pdf, 847KB)

Schedule 4: Transportation Report (pdf, 25.2MB)

Schedule 5: Landscape and Visual Assessment (pdf, 27.5MB)

Schedule 6: Acoustic Report (pdf, 5.1MB)

Schedule 7: Consultation Records (including Acoustic Peer Review) (pdf, 14.77MB)

Schedule 8: Copies of Existing Resource Consents (pdf, 11.7MB)


Transportation Peer Review (pdf, 2.1MB)

Proposed District Plan Changes (pdf, 228KB)

Proposed District Plan Maps (pdf, 736KB)


Need More Information?

If you have any questions about the plan change please contact Mark Hamilton on 07 884 0060.

To keep up to date with proposed plan changes, register for updates on the sign up page and choose 'District Plan' as a topic of interest.