Morrinsville CBD accessibility improvements
About the Morrinsville accessibility improvements
Accessbility work planned for Morrinsville
We are improving accessibility in the Morrinsville town centre. Work is due to take place from February 2025.
In 2021-2023, we carried out accessibility audits in the Matamata, Morrinsville and Te Aroha town centres and worked closely with accessibility groups to see how we can improve journeys for those who get around on foot, push prams or use mobility aids.
Thanks to external funding, we are able to action just over 50% of the upgrades and improvements identified in the audits.
Here is the work we have planned for Morrinsville town centre. You can also see the locations, images and descriptions of improvements using this interactive Google Earth map of Morrinsville.
145 Thames St (outside Kubota) |
Move mobility park one space east. Install asphalt ramp and steel plate to give step free access to the crossing.
214 Thames St (outside Roast Meals) |
Move mobility park one space east. Install asphalt ramp and steel plate to give step free access. |
Lorne St – Thames St intersection |
Replace existing courtesy crossings with asphalt and red coloured road marking with a paver imprint. Replace red tactile pavers with yellow. |
Thames St midblock crossing (between Lorne St and Studholme St) |
Upgrade raised courtesy crossing to raised pedestrian (zebra) crossing. Remove pavers and replace with asphalt. Rebuild asphalt ramps. |
Studholme St – Thames St intersection |
Replace existing courtesy crossings with asphalt and red coloured road marking with a paver imprint. Replace red tactile pavers with yellow. |
232 Thames St (outside Alo Gifts) |
Move mobility park one space east. Install asphalt ramp and steel plate to give step free access. |
Thames St midblock crossing (between Studholme St and Moorhouse St) |
Pedestrian (zebra) crossing improvements. Remove pavers and replace with asphalt. Rebuild asphalt ramps. |
217 Thames St (outside Vercoe Insurance) |
Move mobility park one space west. Install asphalt ramp and steel plate to give step free access. |
Moorhouse St – Thames St intersection |
Replace existing courtesy crossings with asphalt and red coloured road marking with a paver imprint. Replace red tactile pavers with yellow. |
Thames St midblock crossing (between Moorhouse St and Canada St) |
Upgrade raised courtesy crossing to raised pedestrian (zebra) crossing. Remove pavers and replace asphalt. Rebuild asphalt ramps. |
298 Thames St (outside Diprose Miller) |
Move mobility park one space east. Install asphalt ramp and steel plate to give step free access. |
Canada St – Thames St intersection |
Replace existing courtesy crossings with asphalt and red coloured road marking with paver imprint. Replace red tactile pavers with yellow. |
Canada St – Anderson St intersection |
Move crossing points away from the corners and reinstate kerbs and grass where old crossing were. Install asphalt ramp and steel plate to give step free access. Replace asphalt footpath with concrete and install yellow tactile pavers. |
Moorhouse St – Anderson St intersection |
Move crossing points away from the corners and reinstate kerbs and grass where old crossing were. Install asphalt ramp and steel plate to give step free access. Replace asphalt footpath with concrete and install yellow tactile pavers. |
Studholme St – Anderson St |
Move crossing points away from the corners and reinstate kerbs and grass where old crossing were. Install asphalt ramp and steel plate to give step free access. Replace asphalt footpath with concrete and install yellow tactile pavers. Increase size of centre refuge islands, install flexi posts and yellow tactile pavers. |
Latest news

Morrinsville votes for Thames Street courtesy crossings near Studholme Street roundabout to go
Zebra crossings to make Morrinsville CBD more accessible
Project Timeline
Informal community consultation
October 18-31
Online survey asking the Morrinsville community whether they would like the courtesy crossings at the Studholme Street roundabout to stay or go, recieved over 300 submissions.
Staff were available to chat at community pop-in sessions at Kiwanis One Day Fun Day, Thames Street, Morrinsville, Saturday 19 October 2024, 10am-2pm and Matamata-Piako Civic and Memorial Centre on Monday 21 October 2024.
We anticipate the Matamata and Morrinsville CBD accessibility improvements to start February 2025 and take up to 10 weeks to complete. We’ll aim to do most of the Thames Street, Morrinsville work overnight to minimise disruption to businesses and shoppers during the day. We’ll provide updates closer to the time.
Map of improvements
Check out this interactive Google Earth map of Morrinsville to view the locations, images and a description of what we are doing to improve them.
Have Your Say
Thank you Morrinsville! We received over 300 responses to our courtesy crossings survey, with 87% preferring we remove the courtesy crossings on Thames Street at the Studholme Street roundabout when we carry out our Morrinsville CBD accessibility improvements early next year.
We look forward to upgrading the raised crossings to marked zebra crossings to help pedestrians move safely and easily around Morrinsville CBD and plan to include the removal of these two courtesy crossings as part of this project.
To find out more about the upgrades to crossings, mobility parks and kerbs to help make Morrinsville town centre more accessible for pedestrians, people with disabilities and those who use wheeled devices and other mobility aids, please visit Morrinsville CBD accessibility improvements.
Have your say
Morrinsville, we’ve heard you! Crossing the main street can be tricky business with a mix of raised courtesy crossings, a raised pedestrian crossing and flat courtesy crossings.
Over the years you’ve asked for more pedestrian crossings and we’re pleased to announce we’ve secured external funding to turn two more raised crossings on Thames Street into marked zebra crossings and upgrade the existing one.
But we need your help – we've also heard some think the flat courtesy crossings on Thames St at the Studholme Street roundabout are too close to the roundabout creating safety issues and traffic congestion. We have an opportunity to remove them while we work on the zebra crossings but wanted to check in with the Morrinsville community first.
What would you like us to do? Let us know your thoughts by filling out our quick and anonymous poll below by Thursday, 31 October 2024. We'll also be at the Kiwanis Fun Day One Day event if you'd like to see photos of the crossings and chat with staff.
See survey here.