Plan Change 53 - Settlements
This review looked at how the planning rules were working for our settlements and small rural house lots. We wanted to ensure our plans supported our rural settlements and communities to help landowners make better use of their property.
The scope of the plan change included a review of -
- Boundary and height standards for building small rural house lots
- Zone provisions
- Subdivision and housing densities, including additional land
- Community halls; and
- Commercial and industrial development
Settlements include: Waihou, Waitoa, Tahuna, Mangateparu, Motumaoho, Walton, Hinuera, Te Poi, Manawaru and Te Aroha West.
The Process
*Please note that these timeframes are indicative only as the plan change process is fluid. As a result they will be updated from time to time as we work through the process.
Status - summary
- The first round of public consultation for feedback opened on 23 October 2019 and closed on 22 November 2019.
- The second round of public consultation for feedback opened on 19 August 2020 and closed on 18 September 2020.
- The notification phase opened for submissions on 18 November 2020 and closed on 18 December 2020.
- The further submission phase opened for submissions on 3 February 2021 and closed on 18 February 2021.
- A Council hearing was held on 17 May 2021.
- Council accepted the plan change (with modifications) on 30 June 2021 and the decision was notified on 7 July 2021. The appeal period closed 18 August 2021 and no appeals were received.
- Council decided at its meeting held on 8 September 2021 to make this plan change operative on 29 September 2021.
A Council hearing was held on 17 May 2021, and Council approved the decision on 30 June 2021. In accordance with Clause 14 Schedule 1 of the Resource Management Act 1991, any person who made a submission on the proposed plan change may appeal to the Environment Court. The decision was publically notified on 7 July 2021 and the plan change was under the appeal period which closed on 18 August 2021.
The decision documents and public notice can be accessed below -
Plan Change 53 – Settlements (PC53) was publicly notified on 18 November 2020 when we received 14 submissions. On 3 February 2021 a call for further submission was made and three further submissions were received. As a result, a hearing was required to hear the matters raised by the submitters.
The Council hearing for PC53 was held on 17 May 2021 at the Council Chambers, 35 Kenrick Street, Te Aroha.
After the hearing closed, Council made a decision on the provisions of the plan change and the matters raised in the submissions. This decision once notified was then subject to a 30 working day appeal period. If no appeals are received, the plan change can then be made operative by Council.
The hearing report and accompanying documentation can be accessed below -
- Hearing Report (Section 42A of the RMA)
- Attachment A - Full set of submissions and further submissions
- Attachment B - Proposed amendments to notified plan provisions
Submissions and Further Submissions phase
We received 14 submissions during our notification phase for the Proposed Plan Change 53 - Settlements (18 November 2020 to 18 December 2020). Our summary of submissions was published, inviting further submissions which closed on 18 February 2021.
A further submission can only support or oppose an original submission - it cannot extend the scope of an original submission. The Resource Management Act 1991 in Section 8 of the Schedule 1 specifies the persons entitled to make a further submission are -
- Any person representing a relevant aspect of the public interest; and
- Any person that has an interest in the proposed policy statement or plan greater than the interest that the general public has; and
- The local authority itself
Please find below the summary of submissions, including further submissions, a copy of all the submissions/further submissions received, and the public notice.
- Public Notice
- Summary of Submissions and Further Submissions
- Submissions received
- Further Submissions received
The Further Submissions period was open from 3-18 February 2021.
Public notification phase
We worked with the communities to prepare and refine the draft provisions for the Settlements Plan Change. We appreciated all community members and stakeholders who provided feedback on the review process, and formal submissions were welcomed on the proposed provisions for the settlements (listed below) and rural house sites.
Settlements list: Waihou, Waitoa, Tahuna, Mangateparu, Motumaoho, Walton, Hinuera, Te Poi, Manawaru and Te Aroha West.
Below is an evaluation report (Section 32 - RMA) which contains the proposed plan provisions (Appendix 1), the proposed district plan maps (Appendix 2), a noise review (Appendix 3) and a summary of the consultation feedback we received so far (Appendix 4).
Evaluation report (section 32 - RMA)
Proposed plan provisions (Appendix 1)
Proposed district plan maps (Appendix 2).pdf
Consultation feedback (Appendix 4)
The notification phase was open for submissions on 18 November 2020 and closed on 18 December 2020.
Second round of public consultation
After analysing the feedback we received from our first round of consultation we prepared a set of documents reflecting your response. We asked for your feedback on our proposed provisions for our settlements (listed below) and for our rural house sites. Please find below our discussion documents, our proposed provisions (new chapter 16 for the district plan) and our proposed maps with the new zoning and precinct mechanism.
Discussion Document Introduction
Discussion Document Part A - Proposed changes to the District Plan
Discussion Document Part B - Proposed Zone Maps
Discussion Document Part C - Proposed new Section 16 to the District Plan
First round of public consultation
Click here to view the summary of initial community and stakeholder feedback. Information sheets on each of the settlements is below -
Growth Projections - this report provides population, dwelling and rating unit projections out to 2048 for the Matamata-Piako District. You can view the report here