Hetana Street one way trial
Changes to Hetana Street
Over the last 18 months we trialled some changes to the layout of Hetana Street, which received lots of feedback from the community. Following this trial, Council voted to return the street to two-way, with some permanent safety improvements.
We closed the road for 4 weeks in May/June 2022 to reconstruct the road (which was due for renewal), and returned the road to two ways as part of this work. The road has now reopened as a two way street - please drive with care and follow the road markings
How much money was wasted on the trial?
The trial cost a total of $329,000 to date - 90% of which was funded through Waka Kotahi - NZ Transport Agency as part of their Innovating Streets programme. Even though the street has been returned to two-way, we don’t believe this money was wasted. We tried something new to see if it would work, and learnt from it, and have made permanent safety improvements based on community feedback that was tried and tested.
Are the carparks available?
Yes. Now that the road works are complete, the carparks on Hetana St and the car park behind the i-SITE are back open and available. We still recommend people parking all day (e.g. business owners and employees) use the parking area in Gouk Street to help keep the street parking available for visitors and shoppers.
Will the foothpaths and toilets be open?
Yes. The footpaths and public toilets continue to be open (and were open throughout the road works)
What is happening with rubbish collection?
We encourage business owners to continue to take their rubbish/recycling to the commercial delivery area, as this is a practical area for the trucks to collect from. If this is not practical for you, you can return to placing your rubbish bags/bins on the roadside outside your business (noting that if the trucks cannot see or access your bin due to parked cars, that it may not be emptied).
Still got questions?
For further questions or concerns that haven’t been answered here, please call us on 0800 746 467