Total Mobility Scheme
Total Mobility is a door-to-door, transport scheme for people with disabilities, providing flexible options to move around our district.
Registered users receive half-price fares, a discount of up to $60, with the remainder of the fare paid directly to the driver.
Total Mobility makes it easier to visit friends and family, attend appointments, shop and obtain much-valued independence.
Our district has two local taxi services registered as part of the scheme - both service Morrinsville, Matamata and Te Aroha.
To become a registered user, please contact your preferred location directly to book an assessment. Appointments are limited.
- Morrinsville Community House, 43 Canada Street, Morrinsville. Assessments available the third Friday* of the month (*formerly Tuesday). Call 07 889 5355 to book an appointment.
Matamata-Piako Civic and Memorial Centre, 11 Tainui Street, Matamata. Assessments available the third Wednesday of the month. Call 07 888 7157 to book an appointment.
Te Aroha
- Citizens Advice Bureau, 137 Whitaker Street, Te Aroha. Assessments available the third Tuesday of the month. Call 07 884 8037 to book an appointment.
Total Mobility Scheme users are also eligible to apply for the Accessibility Concession, an initiative which provides access to free public transport across the Waikato regional network with a registered Bee Card. To find out more, please visit or call 0800 205 305.
For more generic information about the nationwide Total Mobility Scheme, please visit the busit website.