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Part 3 – Road Works

3.12    Vehicle Crossings

3.12.4    Rural and Rural-Residential Vehicle Crossings – Seal Distance from the Carriageway to the Property Boundary

For new vehicle entranceways/crossings or those over which there is a change or increase in intensity in scale of use, they should be constructed in accordance with Drawing DG 307. The seal distance shall be determined based on the following  categories:

  • Visibility at the Entranceway
  • Gradient of Entranceway
  • Vehicles Per Day Past the Entranceway
  • Posted Speed Limited
  • Locality of Other Entranceways
  • Effects of Other Entranceways
  • Width of Road

The following assessment matrix shall determine the minimum seal distance required from the edge of the carriageway (measured at the centrepoint of the crossing):

Category Criteria Weighting Evaluation Explanation
Visibility at Entranceway Excellent visibility 10 More than 300 m
In accordance with DM 5 Meets requirement as per DM
Poor visibility 0 Does not meet requirement
Gradient of Entrance (12 m back) Flat gradient 20 Gradient between 1:12 and 12:1
Steep gradient 0 Gradient steeper than 1:12 and 12:1
VPD past the Entranceway Very low volume traffic 30 Less than 15 m
Low to medium traffic volume 20 150–500
Medium to high traffic volume 10 500–1500
Very high traffic volume 0 above 1500
Posted Speed Limit Low speed limit 5 less than 100 km/h
Open road 0 100 km/h or more
Locality of other Entranceways Entrances are well away from others 5 Meets requirement as per DM
Very close to other entranceways 0 Does not meet requirement
Effects of Activity on Entranceway Only cars use it 15 Light vehicles only
Occasional stock/delivery truck 10 Occasional stock/delivery truck
Tanker and occasional stock truck 5 Tanker and occasional stock truck
Higher use than tanker and occasional stock truck 0 Higher use than tanker and occasional stock truck
Width of Road (sealed carriageway) Wide road way 15 Wider than 7 m
Medium width road way 10 Between 7 and 6 m
Narrow road way 0 Less than 6 m
Total   100  



Score >70     1 m of seal required
Score 50–70    3 m of seal required
Score <50    5 m of seal required


For roads that are not sealed no seal shall be required for the entranceway.
For rights of way or access legs serving 3 or more lots the seal from the carriageway shall extend to the property boundary.


Figure 3.2 (click to enlarge)

Figure 3.2 - Seperation distance