Part 3 – Road Works
3.5 Parking
3.5.1 General
Provision shall be made for the parking of vehicles on all roads. The carriageway widths and design speeds specified in Table 3.1 recognise that carriageway parking will occur. Alternative widths and layouts may be suitable which provide for parking in defined areas clear of the through traffic.
3.5.2 Carriageway Parking
As the traffic function of a road becomes more important, it is necessary to provide more specifically for vehicle parking so that moving traffic is not impeded.
Any parking on the carriageway shall be constructed in accordance with Table 3.1.
In industrial roads, because of the mixing of light vehicles with long, less manoeuvrable, heavy vehicles, parking width shall be provided on each side of the carriageway to leave a clear line for moving traffic.
3.5.3 Dimensional Requirements
All parking dimensions shall be in accordance with Figure 3.1.
See also Drawings DG 305 and DG 306 noting that if there is any conflict Figure 3.1 takes precedence.
3.5.4 Indented Parking
To facilitate a clear traffic pathway, indented parking bays and parking in the middle of cul-de-sac heads should be considered.
3.5.5 Mobility Parking
Mobility parking spaces shall be designed according to the dimensions shown in Figure 3.1.
Note: NZS4121:2001 Design for Access and Mobility – Buildings and Associated Facilities provides a useful guide.
3.5.6 Construction
The surfacing of off-street parking for more than 5 parking spaces and loading areas (excluding temporary parking) shall meet the following standard:
- The area shall be constructed on a well drained subgrade developed to give a CBR of not less than 7, with 200 mm of compacted WHAP 40 basecourse. The area shall be sealed with a two coat Grade 3 / Grade 5 chip seal sprayed 180/200 bitumen to seal the surface, spread Grade 4 or 5 chip to work over so as to avoid disturbing the bitumen, then paved with 25mm of asphaltic concrete. Concrete is an acceptable alternative construction material (as per the MPDC Infrastructure Code of Practice); or:
- A specifically designed formation standard approved by the Council’s Asset Manager – Strategy and Policy.
All stormwater shall be controlled within the area, and discharge to approved outfalls. All parking areas shall be marked to define required staff and visitor parking spaces.
Figure 3A - 90 percentile car tracking curves (click to enlarge)
Figure 3B - 90 percentile truck tracking curves (click to enlarge)
Figure 3C - Car Parking Dimensions (click to enlarge)