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5.2 Noise

5.2.1 General Noise

  1. Where any dwelling in a business zone is to be constructed within 10m of any road boundary an acoustic design report, prepared by a suitably qualified acoustic engineer, confirming that the specific design of the dwelling will provide a noise level (24 hours Leq) that will not exceed 45dBA and the maximum noise level (Lmax) that will not exceed 78dBA in all habitable rooms with all opening windows closed shall be obtained within twelve months of the commencement of construction.
  2. For any new activity in any zone Council may require the submission of an acoustic design report from a suitably qualified Acoustic Engineer confirming that the anticipated noise levels will be in accordance with the requirements for the zone (or Development Concept Plan with respect to Scheduled Industrial Sites).
  3. For any noise with special audible characteristics as defined by NZS6802:1991 the L10 noise level standards shall be reduced in accordance with the standard.
  4. Construction noise from the site shall meet the limits recommended in Table 1 of NZS6803P:1984. The Measurement and Assessment of Noise from Construction, Maintenance and Demolition Work and shall be measured in accordance with NZS6803P:1984. Adjustments provided in Clause 6.1 of NZS6803P:1984 shall apply, and references in the Tables of NZS6803P:1984 to “NZS6802” shall read as references to Clause 4.2.2 of NZS6802:1991.
  5. The noise levels shall be measured and assessed in accordance with the requirements of NZS6801:1991 Measurement of Sound and NZS6802:1991 Assessment of Environmental Sound.

Objectives/Policies O1, O2, O6 P1, P2



Traffic noise for residential uses with increasing flows and night time movements can become a nuisance. The aim is to minimise the traffic noise received at any new dwelling so noise will not be a long term problem. Similarly construction noise and noise with special characteristics can become a nuisance when expectations as to the length or nature of the noise are exceeded. The design standards are consistent with international design guidelines and the aims of the Resource Management Act.



5.2.2 Residential Zone

  1. Home Occupations

    The noise level (L10) as measured within the boundary of an adjacent residentially zoned site shall not exceed the following :
    Monday to Friday 8.00am to 6.00pm 45dBA
    At all other times including Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays 35dBA
  2. Discretionary Activities and Education Facilities Up to a Maximum of 10 Pupils

    The noise level (L10) as measured within the boundary of an adjacent residentially zoned site shall not exceed the following
    Monday to Friday 8.00am to 6.00pm 50dBA
    At all other times including Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays 40dBA
  3. Residential Activities

    The requirements of Section 16 of the Resource Management Act states that at all times the best practicable option must be taken to reduce the noise. In terms of the Resource Management Act any noise must be kept to a reasonable level.

Objectives/Policies O1, O2, O3 P1, P3



Any non-residential activity should not compromise the noise environment. For this reason low noise levels have been set to reflect the fact that no significant noise intrusion is acceptable. It should be noted that a level of 35dBA (L10) prohibits almost any type of industrial noise in the area. The aim of this control is to provide for quiet home occupations, not noisy ones.


Some activities in residential areas are noisy yet are still considered acceptable, such as the lawn mower (at a reasonable hour of the day). However, an air conditioning unit operating at a much lower level can cause annoyance for a neighbour.

5.2.3 Business Zone

  1. The noise level (L10) as measured within the boundary of any land zoned residential, or the notional boundary of any rural dwelling, or within the boundary of any site within the "Specified Shopping Areas", shall not exceed the following :
    Monday to Saturday 7.00am to 10.00pm 50dBA
    At all other times including Sundays and Public Holidays 40dBA
    10.00pm to 7.00am. The Lmax shall not exceed 65dBA

    10.00pm - 7.00am. The Lmax shall not exceed 65dBA.

  2. The noise level (L10) as measured within the boundary of any adjacent property in the business zone (excluding those sites within the "Specified Shopping Areas"), shall not exceed the following :
    Monday to Saturday 7.00am to 10.00pm 55dBA
    At all other times including Sundays and Public Holidays 45dBA

  3. The noise level (L10) as measured within the boundary of any adjacent industrial zone shall not exceed 60dBA.

Objectives/Policies O1, O2 P1, P2



Differing noise standards have been set for the “Specified Shopping Areas” to protect their character and amenity values. Noisy activities can have a detrimental effect on the well being of a person in their place of residence or at work. Limiting the noise will ensure that a reasonable level of amenity is maintained in residential areas in particular.


The Lmax value at night time is to minimise any sleep disturbance for the residential community.

5.2.4 Industrial Zone



Non-scheduled Sites
  1. The noise level (L10) as measured within the boundary of any land zoned residential, or the notional boundary of any rural dwelling shall not exceed the following :
    Monday to Saturday 7.00am to 10.00pm 55dBA
    At all other times including Sundays and Public Holidays 40dBA

    10.00pm to 7.00am. The Lmax shall not exceed 65dBA.
  2. The noise level (L10) as measured within the boundary of any adjacent industrial zone shall not exceed 65dBA.

5.2.5 Scheduled Sites (See Schedule 5)

  1. Unless otherwise specified for a scheduled site and shown on the Development Concept Plan, the noise levels and noise control periods relating to scheduled sites shall be as follows:

    1. The noise level (L10) as measured within the boundary of any land zoned residential, the notional boundary of the rural dwelling, where shown on the DCP, or the noise emission control boundary shall not exceed the following :
      Monday to Saturday 7.00am to 10.00pm 50dBA
      At all other times including Sundays and Public Holidays 40dBA
      10..0pm to 7.00am. The Lmax shall not exceed 65dBA

      10.00pm to 7.00am. The Lmax shall not exceed 65dBA.
    2. The noise level (L10) as measured within the boundary of any adjacent industrial zone shall not exceed 65dBA.
  2. That any variation or change to existing development concept plans and new scheduled sites shall develop a noise control boundary and noise controls by reference to rule 1.4.2(i).

Objectives/Policies O1, O2 P1, P2, P3



Noisy activities can have a detrimental effect on the well being of a person. Limiting the noise will ensure that a reasonable level of amenity is maintained in residential areas. The requirements of scheduled sites will provide a reasonable level of acoustic protection for residents’ use and ensure undisturbed sleep for people for the open window situation.


The inter zone controls for the Industrial zone is to allow normal office work to be undertaken without undue interference from the neighbours.


The Lmax value at night time is to minimise any sleep disturbance for the residential community.

5.2.6 Rural and Rural-Residential Zones

  1. The noise level (L10) as measured within any residentially zoned boundary or within the notional boundary of any rural dwelling shall not exceed the following:
    7.00am to 8.00pm 50dBA
    8.00pm to 7.00am 40dBA
  2. Exclusions

    Seasonal or temporarily intermittent noise resulting from agriculture and forestry activities (eg. crop spraying, agriculture or forestry harvesting, frost control, etc) consistent with the predominant character of the rural zone, are permitted provided that:

    1. The activity is conducted in accordance with good management practice; and
    2. Machinery is operated in accordance with manufacturers’ specifications.

    This exclusion does not include rural operations such as the distribution of industrial factory by-products.

    The noise levels set by this rule do not apply within the quarry noise control boundary shown in Appendix 8. The noise levels set by this rule will apply to rural zoned land outside that boundary.

Objectives/Policies O1, O2, O3, O4 P1, P2, P4

5.2.7 Airport Noise

  1. The noise of aircraft using the airport shall not exceed the air noise boundary (Ldn 65) or the outer control boundary (Ldn 55) as shown on planning map.
  2. The following will apply for any noise sensitive use between the air noise and outer control boundary:

    For any noise sensitive use within the air noise boundaries the following will apply immediately:

    1. Any new residential, school or other noise sensitive use will be subject to a requirement to incorporate appropriate acoustic insulation in the structure to ensure an internal noise environment of 45dBA (Ldn) with the windows closed.
    2. Alterations or additions to existing residences or other noise sensitive use should be fitted with appropriate acoustic insulation to ensure an internal noise environment of 45dBA (Ldn) with the windows closed.
  3. Prior to issuing a building permit for a noise sensitive use a design report is required to show that conditions (ii) (a) and (b) above will be complied with.
  4. The maintenance of aircraft, including engine testing, shall comply with the following conditions:

    The noise level (L10) as measured within the notional boundary of any rural dwelling shall not exceed the following limits:

    Monday to Saturday 7.00am - 10.00pm 55dBA
    At all other times including Sundays and Public Holidays 45dBA

Objectives/Policies O1, O2, O6 P1, P4




The airfield represents a significant existing use in the rural area. It is appropriate that the rules contain measures that while placing the onus on airfield operators to maintain the existing noise environment and provide for the foreseeable future, also places an onus on new noise sensitive activities in the vicinity to provide for their own protection.


Ldn (the day/night level) is defined as the time average sound level in decibels over a 24 hour period (from midnight to midnight) with the addition of 10dBA to night time levels during the period from midnight to 0700 hours and from 2200 hours to midnight to take account of the increase annoyance caused by noise at night.

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