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3.5 Signage - All Zones

The control over signs exercised in this Plan is in addition to, and not in substitution, for the issuing of permits and control by the bylaws. Where there is an inconsistency between a bylaw and this rule, the rule shall prevail.


For the avoidance of doubt signage shall include all symbols, artwork and structures including balloons, blimps, banners and flags designed to attract the attention of the public and/ or advertise the goods, services or activities on the site. Freestanding signage shall include any structure including balloons, blimps, banners and flags separate from and not supported by any building on the site.


Where roading, parking, information or warning signs are provided as part of the traffic management functions, the design, installation and location of the signage shall be in accordance with the MPDC Development Manual 2010.


3.5.1 Permitted Activities

Zone Type of Sign Permitted Total Site Signage
1. Any zone Official signs No maximum
2. Any zone Public utility, public information signs, and protected areas and reserve identification signs 3.0m2
3. Any zone A sign giving name and related information concerning places of assembly, education or accommodation facilities, community facility and marae complex. 2.0m2
20% of the sign area may include acknowledgment of a sponsor
4. Any zone Temporary signs for sale of land/buildings and auction. 1.5m2
5. Any zone Temporary signs for tradesman's/ consultants construction sites. 3.0m2
6. Residential zone A sign stating name, profession, occupation or trade or property name. 0.3m2
7. Rural and rural-residential zone A sign stating name, profession, occupation or trade or property name. 1.5m2
8. Business and Industrial zones Signs related to permitted activities established on the site for the advertisement or identification of the established permitted activities.

1.0m² per metre of site frontage in the case of signs attached to or forming part of the principal building to its walls or canopies.

In addition, free standing signs are permitted where the surface area viewed from any one direction does not exceed the following:
- For each site frontage less than or equal to 24.0m:
- For each site frontage greater than 24.0 metres:
0.25m2 for every metre of site frontage up to a maximum of 16m2.
Notwithstanding the above: One planned arrangement of free-standing signs where more than one rear site shares a common accessway, maximum area of sign shall be:



9. Any zone Signs whose sole purpose is to direct traffic within a site. No maximum
10. Any zone

Temporary signs for local and general elections PROVIDED THAT:
- They are erected no sooner than two months prior to polling day and removed no later than the close of the day before polling day.
- They are not located in a public place, on public buildings or any road reserve.
- Consent of property owner is obtained.

- Their form and letter height  is consistent with the specifications set in Section 3, 5, 6, 7 and 8 the Electoral (Advertisements of a Specified Kind) Regulations 2005 for a sign that is visible from any road (includes both state highways and local roads)

11 Neighbourhood Node (refer to relevant Structure Plan in Appendix 9). Signs related to permitted activities established on the site for the advertisement or identification of the established permitted activities 1.0m2 per metre of site frontage in the case of signs attached to or forming part of the principal building to its walls or canopies.

Objectives/Policies O1, O2 P1, P2, P3, P4, P5

3.5.2 General Controls Relating To Signs

  1. Notwithstanding that a particular sign is a permitted sign under this rule, Council will require modification or relocation of the sign if the proposed sign will detrimentally affect traffic safety and control by:

    1. Obstructing driver's vision; or
    2. Causing confusion or distraction for driver's; or
    3. Creating a situation hazardous to the safe movement or direction of traffic.
  2. The Council will require the removal of any sign which is offensive, poorly made, painted, or maintained, or is in any other way a detraction from the amenities of the neighbourhood or obtrusively visible from any residential, deferred urban, future residential or rural zones.
    1. All signs are to be located on the site to which they relate
    2. Through the restricted discretionary activity consent process, signs may not be located on a property to which they do not relate but over which the owner of the property to which the signs relate, has access rights or shared use formalised by legal agreement, lease, easement or similar means.

Objectives/Policies O1, O2 P1, P2, P3, P4, P5

3.5.3 Controlled Activities

Controlled activity application required. Approval with consent of Council as to design, appearance, size, construction and siting.


Zone Type of Sign Permitted Total Site Signage
1. Any zone Temporary signs advertising forthcoming gala, , fete, reunion, national sporting or community events PROVIDED THAT:

- Signs for a reunion may be erected no sooner than six months prior to the event and removed no later than seven days after the event.
All other signs are to be erected no sooner than six weeks prior to the event and removed no later than three days after the event.- Consent of property owner is obtained.- Not more than four signs for each event are to be erected.
(minimum size 2.0m2)
2. On local roads but not State highways One directional sign relating to a tourism attraction or community facility PROVIDED THAT the sign shall only be permitted between the site and the closest major intersection. No maximum, however the sign shall be constructed to comply with Transit New Zealand’s “Manual of Traffic Signs and Markings”.

Objectives/Policies O1, O2 P1, P2, P3, P4, P5

3.5.4 Non-Complying Activities

  1. No sign shall be permitted which is:
  2. Animated by means of flashing, blinking, or travelling lights; reflective material; or other means not providing constant illumination.
  3. No sign shall be iIntensely lit so as to constitute a nuisance or hazard, as deemed by Council, to vehicular traffic, pedestrians, train drivers or adjacent uses.
  4. Obscuring or detracting from any scheduled natural environment resource or important visual aspects of the district within the Te Aroha Character Area or the Kaitiaki (Conservation) Zone.
  5. Attached to or forming part of the principal building, or its walls or canopy which protrude more than 100mm beyond the outline of the building. Verandah signs fixed in accordance with the MPDC Development Manual 2010 accepted.

3.5.5 Sign Letter Heights

The size of letters on signs shall comply with the following minimum height standards in relation to speed limits:


50 km/hr 75mm
60 km/hr 85mm
70 km/hr 100mm
80 km/hr 125mm
100 km/hr 175mm



One of the significant issues for the District is the maintenance of visual amenity. The effects of signage is recognised as potentially adversely affecting the visual amenity of the District and limitations are defined in these rules to establish a minimal adverse effect in accordance with the Objectives and Policies stated in Section 3.5.2.


The effect on traffic safety is also taken into account in particular by requiring the consent of the New Zealand Transport Agency where there is an impact on the State highway network and it is anticipated that the number of accidents on arterial roads that may be attributed to advertising or signage distractions will be reduced.

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