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Tom Grant Drive Committee Received a generous donation from community members’ of $20,000 in order buy new equipment for the Tom Grant Drive Playground. They purchased two new picnic tables, a new carousel, two new rockers and safety padding. MPDC seeing their donation brought forward their planned maintenance to give the whole playground a major upgrade.

MPDC supported by granting approval to install new play equipment, advised on suitable play equipment, joined finances with our existing budget and took advantage of special rate from supplier. Managed the project and brought forward our planned renewal to enhance the group’s donation and maximize the budget, added new monkey bars, swing set and safety padding.

This project has received positive feedback and was a great way for MPDC to work directly with community members to achieve a cost effective, community lead initiative.

In the future there may be opportunities for further upgrades and developments at the Tom Grant Playground.


Tom Grant Drive, Matamata, Matamata Piako District, Waikato, 3440, New Zealand