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3.2 Rural and Rural Residential Zones

3.2.1 Building Envelope

    1. Maximum height 10m
      Matamata Airport Height Restrictions See 9.3.2


    1. Height relative to Site Boundary
      No part of any building shall exceed a height of 3m plus the shortest horizontal distance between that part of the building and the nearest site boundary.


  1. Yards
    Front yards on State Highways for residential or habitable buildings 50m
    Front yards on other roads 25m
    Side yard and rear yards 10m
    River Protection yard 20m
    Front yards, side yards and rear yards in an identified Structure Plan (refer Activity Table 2.2) 10m
    Rural Yard – yard adjoining a rural zoned site in an identified Structure Plan (refer Activity Table 2.2) 20m
    Rural Yard – Structure Plan Precinct F, Matamata –yard adjoining a rural zoned site inclusive of the pedestrian walkway (cycleway) adjoining the boundary of the Precinct with the Rural Zone 40m


Provided that:

  1. Accessory buildings may be erected on any rear and/or side yard but not the river protection yard so long as the written consent of any affected property owner(s) is obtained and rule 3.2.1 (i) is not compromised.
  2. Any accessory building to be developed in conjunction with an existing dwelling shall be permitted in a front yard provided that it shall be erected behind the front line of the dwelling.


Advice Note: Alternative yard provisions are able to be considered through the restricted activity consent process.


Objectives/Policies O2 P1, P3, P5

3.2.2 Maximum Building Coverage


  1. Total building coverage for accessory buildings on lots less than 4000m2 shall not exceed 10% of the net site area.
  2. Except that in an identified Structure Plan (refer Activity Table 2.2) total building coverage of the site shall not exceed:
    • 15% of the nett site area


2.4.1 O1 P2
3.4.2 O6 P5 O1 P2 O2 P1, P3, P5




3.2.3 Development Contributions

A development contribution is required to be made in accordance with Section 7.2 (iii) prior to the issue of a building consent for the second or subsequent complying dwelling per lot where a contribution has not been made at the time of the subdivision to create the said lot.


3.9.2 O1, O2 P1, P2




These controls are designed to protect the amenity values of adjoining properties and of the rural character of the neighbourhood. The larger front yards requirement to State Highways is to avoid or mitigate the noise effects of the higher traffic volumes. Visual amenity in the rural area is characterised by the dominance of the natural environment over buildings or other structures. There is an expectation of open space and separation of buildings in rural areas. The river protection requirements ensure buildings that may have a detrimental impact on the river environment are well set back.


Maximum coverage for small sites is designed to maintain the scale of development in the rural zone and to provide sufficient area for waste water disposal on-site.


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