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3.8 Transportation

3.8.1 Significant Resource Management Issues

  • The urban areas are relatively free of significant parking, loading and vehicle access problems. The inappropriate location, design and use of property access has adversely affected the safe and efficient operation of state highways and arterial routes.

  • Roads generate adverse effects particularly noise on State Highways. In some locations, roads with high vehicle counts can detrimentally affect the amenity values and function of the adjacent environment.

  • Reliance on the motor vehicle generates adverse amenity, environmental and some social effects. Development of alternative passive transportation modes, particularly cycling will have environmental and socio-economic benefits. Council wishes to encourage cyclepaths throughout the District as an alternative means of transportation particularly in urban areas.


3.8.2 Transportation

Outcome Sought
Refer to the following sets of controls and reasons for chosen methods
Explanations and Reasons
for Objectives and Policies











































































To protect or improve the safety and efficiency of the transportation networks,
including state highways, district roads and railways.


To protect residential amenity from the effects of excessive traffic generation and on-street parking on residential streets.


To encourage self sufficiency in the provision of parking and loading spaces to avoid conflict with on-street usage.


To maximise safety and convenience for pedestrians and vehicular traffic on all sites.


The avoidance, remediation or mitigation of the adverse effects of transportation.


To encourage the provision of alternative transportation networks where it is clearly demonstrated that the provision of such networks will positively benefit and enhance the environment and community which they serve.


To ensure that those activities that place demands on the roading network contribute fairly to any works considered necessary to meet those demands. 


To create a road system that provides for the safe, efficient and strategic movement of traffic (vehicular and pedestrian) in a manner that promotes the sustainable management of resources used.   

P1 To ensure that access points and intersections have optimum visibility along the State Highway and are formed to appropriate design standards.

Roads are a key means of mobility for people and goods. Roads, particularly State Highways, are a key factor in the maintenance and growth of the economy.

It is very important that the design and
standard of the transportation networks
within the district comply with accepted
minimum standards for safety and
efficiency and which also serve community
expectations. Inappropriate subdivision
and development could potentially
compromise these standards.

State Highways facilitate the shipment of goods and therefore they are of national significance in facilitating the growth of the economy.

On-street congestion from parking and loading will be avoided, remedied or mitigated where appropriate
in favour of safe and effective roadways.

Poor access/visibility will be avoided and this may also reduce vehicle accidents.

The policy will assist in enhancing the mainstreets as shopper and recreation environments. See also Business Strategy.

Local streets will not be impaired by the adverse effects of additional unrelated traffic.

The removal of State Highway traffic from Matamata and Morrinsville is in the process of consideration.

Sensitive areas such as significant ecological and historical sites must be protected from the adverse effects of transportation.

Landscape measures will be a principle mitigation measure.

Inadequate provision for car parking, loading and vehicle access can significantly impact upon levels of amenity, particularly in urban areas

P2 To ensure that the safety and efficiency of
the state highways and district road networks
are not compromised by proposed
subdivision and/or development and the cumulative effect of subdivision and/or
P3 To maintain road safety and efficiency by
requiring activities to provide adequate onsite
parking and loading facilities for foreseeable future needs.
P4 To ensure that traffic safety is maintained by
carefully managing the location and design of
any signs visible from state highway and
District roads.
P5 To manage unrelated through traffic on local
roads to maintain and enhance the amenity
values of the locality.
P6 To require landscaping within the
transportation facilities or corridors where
P7 To implement noise abatement measures
along State highways, District arterials and airports.
P8 To avoid dust and noise nuisance by
requiring formation, sealing and screening of
parking and loading areas and access ways in residential, business and Industrial zones
and Kaitiaki (Conservation) zones that adjoin an urban area.
The objectives and policies seek to ensure that adequate on-site parking and roading facilities are provided to avoid conflicts with on street traffic movements and to maintain the safety and general amenity of street environments.

Policy P13 and Objective O6 seek to address this amenity issue positively by seeking to encourage alternative transport modes.

Discouraging inefficient and unsustainable roading developments.

In the future Council wishes to ensure the efficient and strategic movement of traffic through the introduction of structure plans


P9 To enhance the amenity value of the central
business area of Te Aroha, Matamata, and
Morrinsville by ensuring that such areas are
not congested by service delivery activities and a lack of adequate parking.
P10 To promote appropriate roading connections
within and between land being subdivided to
ensure our towns are well connected.
P11 To ensure that subdivision and development
takes into account the existing and proposed
capacity and design of the transportation
networks and that any adverse effects are avoided, remedied or mitigated
P12 To establish and maintain service lanes and
public carparks which assist in reducing
traffic congestion on surrounding streets.
P13 To encourage alternative transport modes by
making provision for cycleways and
P14 To require the retention of all roads, including
paper roads, where alternative public access
to the District’s rivers is not available.
P15 To manage the location of subdivision and
land use activities to avoid compromising
road intersection and railway level crossing safety sightlines.
  1. Safer and more efficient roading network.
  2. Mitigation and avoidance of the adverse effects of transportation.
  3. Protection and enhancement of the amenity of the areas within which transportation networks operate.
  4. More equitable funding of upgrading transportation links needed as a result of development.
  5. Reduction of public funding of infrastructure servicing private development.
  6. Increased utilisation of alternative transport modes, particularly cycling and walking in residential areas.
  7. Increase in the number of activities which are self sufficient in terms of parking and loading space provision.
  8. Minimal adverse traffic safety effects from signs and advertising.



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