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Food and Health - Fees and Charges

Health licences - Health Act 1956 and association regulations

Hairdressers $200
Additional inspections Per hour $190
Change of ownership $125
Camping grounds $345
Funeral directors $125
Mortuaries $285

Note: $200 penalty for all registrations if they have not applied and paid by 30 June each year for food premises, hairdressers and camping grounds and by 31 May each year for funeral directors and mortuaries.


Food plans and registration - Food Act 2014

Food Control Plan    
Application for registration of template food control plan   $255
Application for renewal of template food control plan   $200
Application for amendment of registration of template food control plan   $200
Deposit of verification audit for food control plan Deposit $250
Voluntary suspension of food control plan   $200
National Programme    
Application for new registration of a national programme   $255
Application for renewal of a national programme   $200
Application for amendment of registration of a national programme   $200
Deposit of verification audit for national programme Deposit $250
Voluntary suspension of a national programme   $200
Processing charges    
All verification activities including pre-registration assistance, annual audit, reporting non-compliance visits and any activity not specified in the schedule above (Environmental Health Officer)  Per hour $190
Administration  Per hour $95
Copies of food control plan or national programme   $60

* All applications that require a deposit will be charged at actual processing costs


Other fees

Mobile shops   $300


Prices effective from 1 July 2024