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Private Plan Change 58 Avenue Business Park (Proposed General Industrial Zone)

Private Plan Change 58 - Avenue Business Park Image

What is being proposed?

Matamata-Piako District Council has received a request for Private Plan Change 58 to the Operative Matamata-Piako District Plan from Warwick and Marion Steffert under Schedule 1 to the Resource Management Act 1991(RMA).

Private Plan Change 58 seeks to rezone approximately 14ha of rural land to a General Industrial Zone with a supporting Development Area Plan. The land is located on the western side of Morrinsville, between Avenue Road North and SH26. The legal description of the site is Lot 1 and Lot 2 DPS 78100.


A hearing was held on 26 February 2024, and the independent commissioners under delegated authority by the Matamata-Piako District Council approved with modifications Private Plan Change 58 on 21 March 2023. In accordance with Clause 14, Schedule 1 of the Resource Management Act 1991, any person who made a submission on the proposed private plan change may appeal to the Environment Court. The decision has been publically notified on 9 May 2024 and the plan change appeal period closes on 21 June 2024.

The decision documents and public notice can be accessed below:

Public Notice

Commissioners' Decision

PPC 58 Approved Provisions


This private plan change was publicly notified on Thursday 15 June 2023 where we received 14 submissions. On Thursday 17 August 2023 a call for further submissions was made and 1 further submission was received. As a result, a hearing is required to hear the matters raised by submitters.

The hearing for this private plan change is to be held on Monday 26 9.30am and if required  Tuesday 27 February 2024 at the Council Chambers, 35 Kenrick Street, Te Aroha.

Hearing commissioners Minutes of Directions

Direction #1 Independent Hearing Panel

Direction #2 Independent Hearing Panel

Direction #3 Independent Hearing Panel (sets out Hearing process)

Post Hearing Documentation

PC58 Applicant Amendments Post Hearing with MPDC alternate provisions

Avenue Business Park Development Area Plan (26.02.24)

Landscape Buffer Planting Plan

NCB Location - MPDC

Magistrate Ave As-Built

  To be tabled at the hearing 

Fire and Emergency New Zealand

N McMinn - Evidence in Response (Traffic)

N McMinn - Supplementary to the Evidence of Naomi McMinn (Transport)

T Whittaker - Supplementary Statement of Evidence (Planning)

 S.42A Officers report will be available 4pm Wednesday 7 February 2024.

PC 58 Avenue Park Plan Change Section 42A Report

Appendix 1 - Summary of Submissions

Appendix 2 - Noise Review

Appendix 3 - Transportation Review

Appendix 4 - Three Waters Infrastructure Review

Appendix 5 - Letter from MPDC (as submitter)

Appendix 6 - Economic Land Supply Review

Appendix 7 - Recommendations on Submissions

 Requestors expert evidence will be available 4pm Wednesday 14 February 2024.

Supplementary Traffic Evidence - T Hills (Transportation Engineering)

J Hunt - Statement of Evidence (Soil Resources)

D Suljic - Statement of Evidence (Civil Engineering)

K Counsell - Statement of Evidence (Economics)

C Steffert - Statement of Evidence (on behalf of Applicant)

T Hills - Statement of Evidence (Transportation Engineering)

J Soanes - Statement of Evidence (Landscape & Visual)

J Soanes - Statement of Evidence (Graphic Supplement)

M Cottle - Statement of Evidence (Acoustic)

B Inger - Statement of Evidence (Planning)

B Inger - Planning Attachment 1

B Inger - Planning Attachment 1 (Landscape Buffer Cross Sections)

B Inger - Planning Attachment 1 (Plan Change Provisions) (Clean)

B Inger - Planning Attachment 1 (Plan Provisions) (Tracked)

B Inger - Planning Attachment 2

B Inger - Planning Attachment 3 (WRPS Objectives & Policies)

B Inger - Planning Attachment 4 (Development Principles)

 Submitters expert evidence will be available 4pm Wednesday 21 February 2024.

N Sutherland - Statement of Evidence for Matamata-Piako District Council

K Drew - Statement of Evidence for Calcutta Farms No.2 Limited

Opening legal submissions will be available 4pm Friday 23 February 2024.

Dr J Forret - Legal Submissions of Counsel 

Joint Witness Statement (JWS) - Noise

Notification of Summary of Submissions

During the Summary of Submissions phase we received 1 Further Submission.  You can view this below:

Further Submission - Peter Hexter


The notification of the Summary of Submissions phase opened 17 August 2023 and closed 4.30pm, Thursday 31 August 2023

Check out the plan change information below: 

Public notice

View the Summary of Submissions and Submissions received here

Notification for submissions

Notification of Plan Change and Engagement

Get involved – Submissions and Engagement

Submissions have now closed.  

Check out the plan change information below: 

Public notice



Private Plan Change Request

Appendix 1 - District Plan Amendments

Appendix 2 - Evaluation

Appendix 3 - Development Area Plan

Appendix 4 - NERA Economic report

Appendix 5 - Infrastructure Report & Feedback

Appendix 6 - Transport Assessment

Appendix 6A - Traffic Engineering Response to Gray Matter Peer Review

Appendix 7 - Preliminary Geotech Report

Appendix 8 - Versatile Soils Report

Appendix 9 - Preliminary Site Investigation

Appendix 10 - Landscape & Visual Effects Assessment & Graphic Supplement

Appendix 11 - Acoustics Report

Appendix 12 - Cultural Values Assessment

Appendix 13 - Consultation

Appendix 14 - Records of Title

Further Information Response 1 May 2023


Need more information?

If you have any questions about the plan change please contact Nathan Sutherland on 07 8840060 ext 7750 or via email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.   

Private Plan Change Process


Plan Change lodged

22 December 2022



Plan Change presented to Council

24 May 2023


Notified for public submissions

15 June 2023 



Submissions closed

17 July 2023


Council calls for Further Submissions

17 August 2023



Further Submissions Closed

31 August 2023


Hearing Commissioners to consider submissions

26 February 2024



Plan Change decision notified, Environment Court appeal period

Plan change appeal period closes on Friday 21 June 2024.

Plan Change operative

Mid 2024*

*Note that this timeline shows the entire plan change process. Timeframes are indicative only as the plan change process is fluid. The dates will change from time to time as we work through this process