(and hyperlink to original submission)
Submission Summary
Decision Sought
Fiona Scott
- The proposed rezoning should not be approved on productive land.
- Good fertile soil should be protected for food production.
Decline Plan Change.
Lu Tyree
- Development should provide for an additional medical centre.
Accept Plan Change.
Jonathan Maitland-Smith, Smith and Maitland Ltd
- Development is necessary for Matamata and the region.
Accept Plan Change.
Peter Colmore-Williams
- Oppose productive soils being used for development.
- Need to take a long term approach and productive soils will become more important.
Decline Plan Change.
Submission Withdrawn
Milestone Homes Matamata Ltd
- There is a desperate need for more industrial land.
- The rezoning will support the community.
- Council has failed to ensure adequate land is available for development.
Accept Plan Change.
Kevin and Chrissey Stanley
- The development will enhance the eastern side of Matamata.
Accept Plan Change.
Matamata Chamber of Commerce
- There is a desperate need for more industrial land and the development will enable growth of the business sector.
- The development is well designed with significant public and amenity space.
- Any negative impacts will be low.
Accept Plan Change.
Mitre 10 Matamata
Accept Plan Change.
Tarnia Richardson
- Industrial development should be directed to Waharoa as previously identified and in collaboration with Ngāti Hauā.
Decline Plan Change.
Transition Matamata
Not Specified
- Development should be undertaken in the context of a growing climate crisis.
- A shift towards plant-based farming is needed to address climate change. The proposed industrial site would take out some of the land needed for the production (and current use) of plant-based farming.
- Swales and shared paths are supported.
- Development should adopt ‘green building’ and other green technology.
- Water supply is a crucial issue and needs to consider changing climate and weather patterns.
- Existing industrial area should be considered as an alternative.
Council should examine an extension of the existing industrial areas an alternative.
Green building/development initiatives should be applied to any new industrial development.
Matamata Futures Trust
- Strong need for industrial land.
- Will be a positive asset for Matamata.
Accept Plan Change.
Scott Brodgen
- Steps required to address noise and light pollution, as well as visual effects and construction activities.
- Specific concerns over night time activities and low frequency noise.
- Supports measures to control light spill.
If the plan change is not declined, ensure appropriate standards for noise, lighting, visual effects and construction effects are monitored and complied with.
Classic Group Limited
- Rezoning will help with providing adequate supply of industrial land.
- The PC57 site is well located with access to SH24 and links to existing industrial land and planned Residential areas.
- Supports transport corridor to land to the south.
Accept Plan Change.
Fire and Emergency New Zealand
- The rezoning will require adequate water supply and compliance with NZS for capacity and pressure for firefighting.
- The rezoning should only proceed subject to
- delivery of key water infrastructure,
- specific rule in District plan to ensure compliance with NZS 4509:2008.
New Industrial land is only enabled when it is matched with key water infrastructure and that rules are included to ensure compliance with the fire fighting standard, - NZS 4509:2008.
Waikato Regional Council
- The rezoning is contrary to the National Policy Statement – Highly Productive Land (NPS-HPL).
- The rezoning proposal does not comply with the criteria under the NPS-HPL for rezoning.
- The land supply assessments do not support the rezoning proposal and sufficient industrial land supply is available for the next 10 years.
- Where rezoning of productive land is required, then the area of rezoning is restricted to the minimum necessary for development capacity.
- Any shortfall of industrial land should be supported by a district wide assessment of appropriate areas for rezoning.
- The rezoning is contrary to objectives within the Waikato Regional Policy Statement.
- If the rezoning is progressed, additional assessment of ecological effects including habitat for long tailed bat and the managements of stormwater will be required.
- Climate change policies in connection with transportation are required.
MPDC does not progress the Plan Change.
If a short fall in industrial land is identified, then a district wide assessment of land supply and highly productive land should be undertaken. If the plan change is progressed, additional assessment of long tailed bats, stormwater disposal and management and transportation provisions is required.
Barr Harris Surveyors Ltd
- The plan change is predicated on a 250ha master plan for the east side of Matamata. The master plan needs to be assessed in terms of the overall spatial and future development of the Matamata township.
- The spatial extent and location the rezoning is inappropriate.
- Matamata has existing traffic issues.
- Connectivity issues will arise unless a town wide development strategy is prepared and followed.
- The ME (economic report) does not take into account Mowatt St (Waharoa) in terms of current industrial land supply.
- Further industrial land supply is likely to come from the Waharoa Plan Change.
- Sufficient land is available for industrial land development.
- The impacts on council services have not be adequately quantified or assessed.
- Potential issues with the NPS-HPL and loss of productive land. A well planned development strategy is necessary for any future rezoning of Matamata.
- Input is requested on rule provisions.
Decline Plan Change.
Gavin Harris
- As above (Barr Harris Submission).
Decline Plan Change.
Royal Forest and Bird Protection Society of New Zealand
- Potential long-tailed bat habitat exists along the Mangawhero Stream and along Tauranga Road (SH24).
- A pre-cautionary approach is appropriate given the ‘national critical’ conservation status of the long-tailed bat.
- An ecological assessment must be undertaken to inform the assessment of ecological effects.
- Potential conflict with Section 6(e) of the RMA.
- The NPS-HPL directs that rezoning of highly productive land is to be avoided and this policy direction is supported.
- Provisions must be included in the GIZ and District Plan provisions for long-tailed bats to recognise and protect habitat and corridors.
Decline Plan Change, or should the Plan Change be granted, then the matters raised in the submission must be addressed.
Matamata-Piako District Council
- A series of amendments and clarifications are proposed to the proposed GIZ and Structure Plan provisions. These include;
- Amendments for consistency and alignment with National Planning Standards.
- Minor amendment to GIZ Issues statement.
- Proposed minor rewording of Policy GIZ-P1, Policy GIZ-P5 and Policy GIZ-P6.
- GIZ-R1 – Deletion of separate activity status for ‘light industry’.
- GIZ-R2 Amendment to provision for veterinary clinics.
- GIZ R1(3) and (4) require a noncomplying activity status for both ‘wet industry’ and ‘activities that require a discharge consent’.
- Amendment to GIZ-R2(b) to require a 10m yard from reserve boundary along SH24.
- Delete exclusion reference to ‘utility reserves’ in GIZ-R2(b) and GIZ-R2(5)(a).
- Minor amendments formatting amendments to Signage Rule GIZ-R2(4).
- Amendment to Noise Rule GIZ-R2(8) to specify date for existing dwellings for implementation of notional dwelling rule for Rural areas and minor wording amendments.
- Amend GIZ-R2(11) to limit exclusion of plant and machinery to front yards and yards facing a key transport corridor.
- Amendments and clarification to GIZ-R2(13) to delete reference to ‘excluding utility reserves’ and implementation of rule for pedestrian entrance in relation to the state highway boundary.
- Amendment to GIZ-R2(14) for rain water tanks and water re-use.
- Minor rewording of GIZ-R3(d) to clarify Discretionary criteria.
- Correction of typo in Principal Reasons 18.8.
- Identify existing pineoaks along SH24 as protected trees on Development Area Plan.
- Amend Development Area Plan to include stormwater reserve (to the south of site).
- Include specific rule for water metres in Rule 6.3.15(i).
- Provide exclusion for reserve lots from minimum lot size criteria (6.3.15).
- Formatting amendments to 6.1 Activity Status Rule (delete 6.1.2(j) and subsequent re-numbering.
- Amendments to definitions to align with National Planning Standards.
- Amendment to definition of ‘wet industry’ to reduce 10,000l criteria to 5,000l.
- Delete definition of ‘ancillary retail’.
- Amendments to Appendix 9 – Development Area Plan including;
- Minor amendments to introductory paragraph to refer to ‘3 waters’ and a new explicit reference to the proposed water bore and treatment plant,
- Provision to remove repeated rules from subdivision section of District Plan, relocate provisions or provide cross-referencing,
- Clarification of road connection to SH 24,
- Clarification of responsibility for cost associated with Collector Road,
- Clarify reference to ‘spine road’,
- Provide explicit trigger for upgrade works on SH24/Tower Road/Burwood Road intersection in 9.5.4,
- Clarify purpose of reserves for amenity, recreation and stormwater,
- Clarification of 9.5.7 provision for reserves, including future ownership of 5m buffer such that these do not become the responsibility of Council,
- Minor amendments to wastewater provisions – 9.5.8, water provisions – 9.5.9, and stormwater provisions – 9.5.10
- More explicit reference to timing and provision of a Developer Agreement, and
- Formatting and numbering of 9.5.10.
See submission for specific details/wording of proposed amendments.
Accept Plan Change with amendments as set out is submission.
Maven Matamata Limited
- There is a shortfall of industrial land in Matamata.
- The rezoning and proposed Structure Plan is well designed including access, reserves, and road connections.
- The rezoning will provide positive social and economic benefits for the community.
- The approach is consistent with the National Planning Standards.
Accept Plan Change.
Amber Grant
- The rezoning will impact on nearby residential sections.
- The proposed 40m green space is not sufficient to prevent noise, odour, and other negative impacts.
- The rezoning should be considered holistically through a full review of the District Plan.
Decline Plan Change.
Waka Kotahi
Waka Kotahi seeks clarification and/or commitment from the applicant on the following matters;
- The definition and mapping of ‘Key Transport Corridors’
- Pedestrian access to buildings from the State Highway
- Intersection design of the SH24/Tower Road/ Burwood Road roundabout.
- Timing of the SH24/Tower Road/Burwood Road roundabout intersection upgrade.
- Configuration of the new roundabout on SH24.
- The proposed raised safety platform zebra crossing.
- Maintenance and length of the shared path fronting the highway.
- A Developer Agreement.
- Any other relief that would provide for the adequate consideration of potential effects on the state.
See submission for specific submission points.
Further engagement is required with the Applicant and MPDC to resolve the matters identified within the submission.
Fonterra Farm Source
- Agrees there is an established shortfall of industrial land.
- Supports inclusion and provisions for rural retail activities within zone.
- Supports GIZ provisions including ‘Issues’, ‘Objectives’ and ‘Principle Reasons’ sections, with amendments to ensure that ‘wholesale and retail trade suppliers are provided for within the GIZ.
Accept Plan Change subject to amendments identified in submission.
Go Eco
- The submission points raised by Forest and Bird are supported.
- Seek additional rule provisions in relation to the pruning, maintenance or removal of exotic and indigenous trees to prevent loss of bat habitat.
- Amenity Planting should support native biodiversity.
Decline Plan Change, or should the Plan Change be granted, then the matters raised in the submission and the Forest and Bird submission must be addressed.
Warwick and Marion Steffert
General support for the plan change. A series of amendments are proposed so that the submitters proposal for an industrial zone plan change in Morrinsville and PC57 are aligned and consistent with each other. The submission seeks;
- amend Policy GIZ-P6 to improve its clarity;
- add new rules in GIZ-R1(1) so that ‘ancillary retail’ and ‘ancillary office’ are a Permitted
- Activity in the GIZ;
- amend the earthworks standards in GIZ-R1(1)(n), including by increasing the maximum permitted earthworks volume from 100m3 to 1,000m3;
- amend rules GIZ-R1(3) and GIZ-R1(4) so that development which is not in general accordance with a Development Area Plan is a Discretionary Activity;
- amend GIZ-R2(4) so that the additional signage provisions only apply where a site adjoins a State Highway;
- amend GIZ-R2(8) to include a fixed date for the assessment of noise received at notional boundaries in the Rural Zone and to improve the clarity of references to the noise standards in relation to the boundaries of other zones;
- amend GIZ-R2(10) so that the screening requirements for service and outdoor storage areas do not apply to utility reserves;
- amend GIZ-R2(11) so that plant or machinery must not be placed within any front yard rather than any building setback;
- amend GIZ-R2(13) so that the rule is clearer that the site layout requirements for buildings adjoining reserves do not apply to utility reserves;
- amend GIZ-R2(14) to make the requirements for harvesting and reuse of water clearer by clarifying that storage tanks and a water re-use system are required;
- amend Rule 6.3.3 so that subdivision which does not comply with a Development Area Plan in the General Industrial Zone is a Discretionary Activity;
- amend the definitions for ‘Ancillary activity’ and ‘Notional boundary’ so that the definitions are consistent with the format for other definitions and with the National Planning Standards;
- insert a new definition for ‘Ancillary office’; and
- minor amendments to correct errors in 18.1 General Industrial Zone Issues, GIZ-R1(1)(l), GIZ-R2(1), GIZ-R3(1) and 18.8 Principal Reasons.
See submission for specific details/wording of proposed amendments.
Accept Plan Change subject to amendments set out in submission.
Andrew Holroyd
- The plan change is set up as a forerunner to 200ha of mixed use development. This expansion will not benefit Matamata.
- The land supply assessment do not identify or take into account 20ha of industrial land in Waharoa (Mowatt Place). This is serviced apart from wastewater disposal and provides additional and appropriate areas for industrial development.
- No assessment of effects on Banks Road intersection and existing transport issues.
Decline Plan Change.
Chris Henderson
- Full support as neighbour to the area.
- Agree with Chamber of Commerce that the plan change will be good for town and will enable continued growth and development.
Accept Plan Change.
Late Submission
Harlow Holdings Limited
- The plan change is;.
- contrary to the RMA,
- contrary to the District Plan,
- not necessary to avoid, remedy or mitigate adverse effects on the environment, and
- Does not represent the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the District Plan.
- It would be more appropriate for the property to be zoned residential or retained as rural land.
- Connectivity upgrades are necessary for any rezoning, specifically road connection to 26 Rockford Street.
Decline Plan Change, or as a less preferred alternative. Any granting of Plan Change should provide connectivity and servicing upgrades to the surrounding area, and specifically 26 Rockford Street.