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Private Plan Change 56 - Lockerbie, Morrinsville

What is being proposed?

Matamata-Piako District Council has accepted a private plan change request to the Operative Matamata-Piako District Plan from Lockerbie Estate Limited and Lockerbie Estate No. 3 Limited (Lockerbie) under Schedule 1 to the Resource Management Act 1991(RMA).

Proposed Private Plan Change 56 (Lockerbie Plan Change) is a proposal that seeks to rezone approximately 78 hectares of land (described below) at 76 Taukoro Road, 182 Morrinsville-Tahuna Road and Lockerbie Street, located at the northern extent of Morrinsville.

This proposed plan change seeks to rezone the land from ‘Rural Zone – Future Residential’ to ‘Residential Zone’ and ‘Medium Density Residential Zone’  (MRZ), as well as introducing a supporting Development Area Plan (DAP) and a precinct which will overlay part of the MRZ.

This plan change will provide additional infrastructure and 1,200 additional mixed typology dwellings which include single dwellings, duplexes and terraced housing. Increased housing density in the MRZ and precinct seeks to provide for affordable housing to accommodate the District’s growing population.

In addition to this, Lockerbie Plan Change also seeks to introduce The Lockerbie Development Area Plan (LDAP) which offers a future development framework. This includes reserve space, road networks, pedestrian linkages and new transportation networks including:

  • Connection to Morrinsville-Tahuna Road/ Studholme Street
  • Two additional transport connections to Taukoro Road
  • Two additional east-bound connections, future proofing adjoining for potential residential development

For further details around what is being proposed – check out the Plan Change Application below.


The Process

PC56 Timeline Operative 


Status - summary

  • The notification phase opened for submission on 20 January 2022 and closed on 24 February 2022.
  • The further submission phase opened for submission on 24 March 2022 and closed on 7 April 2022.
  • The Hearing was held on 28 July 2022 and was closed on 10 August 2022.
  • The Hearing Commission approved the plan change (subject to modifications) on 25 August 2022 and the decision has been notified on 31 August 2022.  The appeal period closed 5pm, Wednesday 12 October 2022 with no appeals received. 
  • The plan change became operative on 31 January 2023.



A hearing was held on 28 July 2022, and the Hearing Commission made its decision to approve Private Plan Change 56 (subject to modifications) on 25 August 2022.  In accordance with Clause 14, Schedule 1 of the Resource Management Act, any person who made a submission on the proposed private plan change may appeal to the Environment Court.  The decision has been publicly notified on 31 August 2022 and the plan change is under the appeal period which closes 5pm, Wednesday 12 October 2022.

Public Notice


Decision - Final plan provisions



This private plan change was publically notified on 20 January 2022 when we received 38 submissions.  On 24 March 2022 a call for further submissions was made and four further submissions were received.  As a result, a hearing is required to hear the matters raised by submitters.

The hearing for this private plan change was held on Thursday, 28 July at the Council Chambers, 35 Kenrick Street, Te Aroha and closed on 10 August 2022.

Information tabled at/after the hearing by;

Marius Rademeyer

Ministry of Education

Hearing commissioners Minutes of Directions

Hearing Commissioners Minute #1 of Directions  issued 01 June 2022

Hearing Commissioners Minute #2 of Directions  issued 26 July 2022

Applicants brief of evidence received Monday 4 July 2022

K Drew - Statement of Evidence (Planning).pdf

GD Jones -Statment of Evidence (Applicants).pdf

M Hall - Statement of Evidence (Traffic).pdf

N Hill - Statement of Evidence (Cultural).pdf

M Hugo - Statement of Evidence (Urban Design).pdf

O May - Statement of Evidence (Landscape).pdf

T Heath - Statement of Evidence (Economics).pdf

R Montgomerie - Statement of Evidence (Ecology).pdf

D Morris - Statement of Evidence (Infrastructure).pdf

s42A Officers report will be available Wednesday, 13 July 2022

PPC 56 Lockerbie Section 42A Report 13 07 22.pdf

Appendix A to s42A Report (3-Waters) 13 07 22.pdf

Appendix B to s42A Report (Infrastructure Funding) 13 07 22.pdf

Appendix C to s42A Report (Transportation) 13 07 22.pdf

Appendix D to s42A Report (Urban Design) 13 07 22.pdf

Appendix E to s42A Report (Submission Assessment and Recommendation Tables) 13 07 22.pdf

Appendix F to s42A Report (MPDC Recommended Plan Provisions) 13 07 22.pdf

Submitters expert evidence will be available Wednesday 20 July 2022

P Rolfe - Statement of Evidence for Matamata-Piako District Council.pdf

Planning Evidence - Keith Frentz - Ministry of Education.pdf  

Legal submissions from any party (excluding applicant) will be available on Friday, 22 July 2022

No legal submissions received.

Rebuttal/reply expert evidence by the applicant will be available 25 July 2022

K Drew - Rebuttal Statement of Evidence (Planning).pdf

M Hugo - Statement of Rebuttal Evidence (Urban Design).pdf

Applicant written legal submissions will be available 26 July 2022

Lockerbie PC 56 legal submissions Final 260722.pdf


Submissions and Further Submissions

We received 4 further submissions during the further submission phase (24 March 2022 to 7 April 2022).  Please find below a copy of the further submissions received.

Further Submissions

We received 38 submissions during the notification phase (20 January 2022 to 24 February 2022). The summary of submissions is published, inviting further submissions which closed at 4.30pm on Thursday 7 April 2022.

A further submission can only support or oppose an original submission - it cannot extend the scope of an original submission. The Resource Management Act 1991 in Section 8 of the Schedule 1 specifies the persons entitled to make a further submission are - 

    • Any person representing a relevant aspect of the public interest; and
    • Any person that has an interest in the proposed policy statement or plan greater than the interest that the general public has; and
    • The local authority itself

Please find below the summary of submissions including a copy of all the submissions received, and the public notice.


Notified Plan Change 

The notification phase closed at 4.30pm on 24 February 2022.  

Public Notice

Please find below the plan change application;

Plan Change Application - Lockerbie

Appendix A - Proposed District Plan Amendments

Appendix B - Lockerbie Estate Development Area Plan and Amended Planning Map

Appendix C - Supporting s32 Evaluation - Nov 2021

Appendix D - Infrastructure Report prepared by Maven

Appendix E - Integrated Transportation Assessment prepared by CKL

Appendix F - Urban Design Assessment prepared by Boffa Miskell

Appendix G - Landscape and Visual Effects Assessment prepared by Boffa Miskell

Appendix H - Ecological Assessments prepared by Freshwater Solutions

Appendix I - Geotechnical Investigation Reports prepared by CMW Geosciences

Appendix J - Land Contamination Reports prepared by 4Sight Consultants

Appendix K - Archaeological and Historical Effects Assessment Reports

Appendix L - Morrinsville Residential Growth Assessment prepared by Property Economics

Appendix M - Cultural Values Report prepared on behalf of Ngati Haua

Appendix N - Records of Title


Need more information?

If you have any questions about the plan change please contact Kumesh Naidu on 07 8840060 ext 7800 or via email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.