Plan Change 46 - Development Concept Plan for Poultry Processing and Manufacturing, Waitoa
Plan Change 46 amended the Development Concept Plan for the Inghams Enterprises (NZ) Pty Limited poultry processing factory in Waitoa.
Progressive development of the Inghams site meant that the Development Concept Plan ('DCP') had effectively been superseded by resource consents and no longer provided for future growth of the facility. The purpose of the Plan Change was to ensure alignment between Inghams' existing resource consents and the DCP contained within the Matamata-Piako District Plan, and to provide for additional growth and development.
This plan change has been adopted by Council and became operative on 23 December 2015.
Notified Plan Change
Inghams Plan Change Request and Further Information Response
Updated Plan Change (Inghams Enterprises)
Schedule 1 Updated Development Concept Plan
Appendix 1 CTs
Appendix 2 Planning Map & Existing DCP
Appendix 3 Landscape & Visual Assessment
Appendix 4 Traffic Impact Assessment
Appendix 5 Noise Report, Further Information Request and per Review, and response to Review
Appendix 6 Freshwater Ecological Assessment
Appendix 7 Soil Assessment Landuse Capability Study
Appendix 8 Archaeological Site Record
Appendix 9 Preliminary Stormwater management Study
Appendix 10 Consultation Record and Further Information Requests
Appendix 11 RPS & PWRPS
Inghams - Request for further information
Inghams Enterprises Development Concept Plan - Further Information Supplied 18.11.14
Original submissions closed at 5pm on Wednesday, 28 January 2015 and further submissions closed on Wednesday, 1 April 2015.
View summary of submissions
Decision Documents
Council have accepted (with modifications) the plan change. The appeal period for the decision closed on Wednesday, 7 October 2015.