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Te Aroha - Te Aroha History

Development of Hot Springs Domain & Spa

The possibility of a sanatorium being developed at Te Aroha had been envisaged as early as the 1870s. In 1878 George Lipsey built the first Hot Springs Hotel for his father-in-law, Mokena Hou. The Thames Advertiser wrote: 'The hotel if well conducted will be a great boon for persons seeking these springs for their health giving properties. "

During the 1870s regular excursions were conducted from Thames to Te Aroha by boat so that visitors could take advantage of the hot springs. By 1879 the Thames Advertiser reported that there were three good hostelries at Te Aroha: the Hot Springs Hotel kept by Mokena, the Waitoa Hotel at the landing place kept by George S O'Halloran, and the Te Aroha Hotel kept by Mr Missen.

In February 1880 a regular boat service with the Mem Sahib was begun between Paeroa and Te Aroha while the Vivid ran between Thames and Paeroa, and in November that year a coach service was established between Hamilton and Te Aroha. The construction of the first permanent Bath Houses began in 1883. By this time the hot springs were becoming well known as a tourist resort. The railway from Hamilton to Te Aroha was opened in March 1886 completing the link from Auckland and greatly increasing its accessibility and popularity for visitors.


Heyday of the Spa

The town of Te Aroha was developing rapidly at this time and it was visitors to the hot pools that were bringing prosperity to be town rather than the profits of local gold mining. In May 1885 the Thames Advertiser reported: "Footpaths are being made, stores receiving fresh coats of paint and the travelling public are being provided for by increased accommodation by the boarding house keepers, and miraculous cures are still being affected amongst the many invalids who are using the bath."

In August 1885 the initial landscape development began including manicured lawns, provision for lawn suitable for croquet, tennis and racket courts, and tree planting. Further springs were being opened and the paths were beginning to be constructed linking the new features.

Apart from the pleasures and benefits of the hot springs and the Domain itself, visitors enjoyed visits to the mines, to the Waiorongomai battery, walks to the top of Mount Te Aroha and trips up the river to picnic spots.

By now there were three large hotels, The Palace, the Te Aroha and the Hot Springs and two boarding houses, altogether providing accommodation for 500 visitors. In the year ended 31 March 1887, 28,553 baths were taken at Te Aroha. By way of comparison, Rotorua had 4,878 taken over the same period. The spa was to help protect Te Aroha from the effects of the long depression of the late 1880s and early 1890s. By the 1890s Te Aroha had become the most popular Spa in the country.


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