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Alcohol Regulations

Local Alcohol Policy (pdf, 972.59kb)

Under the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012, Council can choose to have a policy relating to the sale and supply of alcohol in its district. Council’s Local Alcohol Policy allows our community to have a say on where and when alcohol is available in their area.

This policy provides a framework to assist the Matamata-Piako District Council District Licensing Committee to make appropriate licensing decisions that reflect both our legal obligations and the preferences of our community. The policy guides the District Licensing Committee when they are deciding whether or not to issue a licence, and what conditions might be required.

Council has recently reviewed its Local Alcohol Policy in consultation with the community, with the revised Policy coming into force on 11 September 2023.

Alcohol Ban

Council has adopted an alcohol ban within the Public Safety Bylaw. A 24 hour, seven day a week alcohol ban is in force within the townships of Matamata, Morrinsville, Te Aroha and Waharoa. The ban has been in force since 2009. In September 2016 Council confirmed the ban will continue and this was a decision supported by the Police and Waikato District Health Board (Population Health). 

The purpose of this bylaw is to deal with the control of alcohol in public places. It also provides the Police with an effective way to address the negative effects associated with the consumption of alcohol in public places, without impacting on residents.

The alcohol ban means you cannot drink alcohol in public within the alcohol ban area, including the district's parks and reserves.

Generally transport (by vehicle or by hand) of alcohol across a public place will be lawful where the alcohol has been purchased from licensed premises (such as a bar or bottle shop) or is intended for delivery to private premises adjoining the public place by a resident or by genuine visitors and the alcohol is promptly removed from the public place. The Bylaw contains more details on these rules. 

If you break any of the bylaw rules, police must give you the opportunity to remove the alcohol from the alcohol ban area before they police can search and/or arrest you. Police can also issue infringement fines for breaches of the alcohol ban. 

Alcohol Ban Areas

Matamata Alcohol Ban Area

Morrinsville Alcohol Ban Area

Te Aroha Alcohol Ban Area

Waharoa Alcohol Ban Area

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