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Contact Us

Can't find what you need on the site? Or want to talk to someone in person? Get in touch with us.

Customer Services Advisor

Phone (8am - 4.30pm, Monday to Friday):

Te Aroha and Morrinsville - 07 884 0060
Matamata - 07 881 9050
Or toll free - 0800 746 467

After hours:

24 hour phone service - phone 07 884 0060
Or toll free - 0800 746 467

Email us

You can contact us by email at or by using the form below. Contact details are required for us to investigate and respond to your request, and get in touch with you if necessary. If you choose not to be contacted and do not wish to be involved in any investigation or resolution process you can click on the tick box to have your enquiry treated as confidential.

If you wish to make a complaint, please use our online complaints form.

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Please also read our privacy policy before sending your enquiry.

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Visit us in person:

Te Aroha Office - 35 Kenrick Street, Te Aroha
Matamata-Piako Civic and Memorial Centre - 11 Tainui Street, Matamata
Morrinsville Area Office - 56-62 Canada Street, Morrinsville

Offices are open 8am - 4:30pm, Monday to Friday.


Correspondence can be posted to Council using our PO Box address.

Matamata-Piako District Council
PO Box 266,
Te Aroha   3342



Our Council is now on Antenno! Antenno is a mobile app that sends you alerts and notifications, about places and topics you care about. There are two ways you can use Antenno; receive notifications from council about the places you have marked as important to you, or reporting back to council on issues or feedback. Find out more about Antenno here.