Neil Algar/Furness Park Walkway
This pleasant walk on flat ground links Furness and Neil Algar Reserves. The walk is mostly flat and pathed, making it ideal for older people and people with limited physical abilities. The scenic walk begins from Peria Road or Pohlen Park. There is a stand of native trees near the Peria Road end of the track that were planted by the Kiwanis Club of Matamata in 1991 in commemoration of their 75th anniversary. A stormwater retention pond has been planted and maintained as a landscape feature.
The reserve is named after Dr Neil Algar, former Mayor of Matamata Borough, former Councillor of the Matamata-Piako District, and past Chairman of the Matamata Community Board, for his significant contributions to the Matamata Community. At the Peria Road entrance, this walkway joins a seperate 600m long footpath track that leads to the Matamata Cemetery.
Classification |
Time | 20 mins |
Distance | 950m |
Track Rating | Easy |
Conveniences | Parking at Pohlen Park, links to Peria Road footpath track, public toilets at Matamata Cemetery. |
Special Attractions | Pleasant walking experience for all ages |