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National Adaptation Plan

The national adaptation plan (NAP) considers the impacts of climate change now and into the future and it sets out how we will adapt. We know from the Climate Change Adaptation Technical Working Group, that to effectively adapt, New Zealand needs to be informed, organised and take dynamic action. You can access the full NAP and summary here.

The plan includes online information for every New Zealander about risks we face. Climate change will affect where we want to live and invest, how we farm and run our businesses and how we keep ourselves safe. To make good decisions, we will need to assess current and future climate risks to our homes, businesses and communities.

Different areas of New Zealand will be faced with different risks - flooding, wildfires, erosion, sea level rise, drought or other weather hazards. We all need information about risks we face, and this will be provided online later this year along with guidance on how to adapt.

At the same time as adapting, reducing emissions and limiting the severity of future climate change is just as important.  The recently published Emissions Reduction Plan (ERP) contains strategies, policies and actions for achieving our first emissions budget and contributing to global efforts to limit global temperature rise to 1.5˚C above pre-industrial levels. You can access the ERP here.

The national adaptation plan and the emissions reductions plans lay out New Zealand’s overall response to climate change and the work towards a more climate friendly and resilient future.

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