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Tahuna - please continue to conserve water

18 February update

Thank you Tahuna residents for reducing your water use, we've seen a considerable drop in demand over the past week and want to thank you all for your efforts in saving water.

Due to unforeseen delays, work on the bore has unfortunately not commenced yet. Re-establishing a bore connection and getting supply back to normal levels in Tahuna is urgent work and we apologise for the delay. Works are now expected to start by the end of this week and will then take 4-7 days to complete. We would really appreciate if you could continue to conserve water during this time.

Currently, the established bore is inconsistent in supplying enough water to meet demand and we will bring in water tankers as needed. To make sure that everyone has enough water for essential purposes, we ask that water is only used for drinking and hygiene. That means:

  • no outdoor water use
  • limit showers to 2 minutes where possible
  • try to wait till you have a full load to run the dishwasher or washing machine, and run on eco cycle if possible.

3 February update

Due to a collapse in the aquifer (underground water source) that feeds the Tahuna Water Treatment Plant, the established bore is now drawing less water. We need to re-drill the bore and while no time is a good time, this work needs to be done so we are pressing forward as soon as possible.

Works will begin next Monday 10 February and are expected to last 4-7 days. The expectation is that normal supply levels will return after the bore is re-drilled and a new connection established.

Currently, the established bore is inconsistent in supplying enough water to meet demand so we are bringing in water tankers. These tankers will be supplementing the water supply for Tahuna over the next two weeks, and will support supply for periods while the re-drilling work is taking place.

To make sure that everyone has enough water for essential purposes, we ask that water is only used for drinking and hygiene. That means:

  • no outdoor water use
  • limit showers to 2 minutes where possible
  • try to wait till you have a full load to run the dishwasher or washing machine, and run on eco cycle if possible.


What is an aquifer?

An aquifer is a layer of rock or sediment underground that stores and moves water. Rain seeps into the ground and fills the aquifer, and when water moves through the rocks it acts as a natural filter. We can then drill down with a bore and draw water up.