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2024-2034 Long Term Plan adopted

Council adopted the Long Term Plan for 2024-2034 at its 3 July meeting. It’s a plan that strikes a balance between what is affordable and essential in these uncertain times, and what the district really needs to progress with to ensure it remains not just a well-serviced community, but a place that puts people at its heart. 

We consulted on a total rates increase of $8 million and received submissions from 175 people on the various key proposals, as well as hearing directly from nearly 20 submitters, and many in-person conversations. Councillors considered all this feedback before adopting the final plan, with a total $7.7 million rates increase.

"We’ve kept affordability front and centre in this Long Term Plan," said Mayor Adrienne Wilcock. “We live here too and we don't like large rates increases either, but we’ve had to grapple with some complex issues and a lot of uncertainty in the current environment. Projects have been removed and deferred, and we’ve changed how we account for some of our assets in a bid to keep costs down. In some areas, however, we have no choice but to proceed to meet legal requirements and that comes at a significant cost.”

“Compliance is one of the key drivers of the rates increase. Of particular note is the rising cost of delivering compliant waste water and drinking water services. Unfortunately, it impacts those who receive those services and pay targeted rates for them.”

“This has been a very challenging plan to develop, and understanding the views of our community has been important as we made these critical decisions. To the people who made submissions, thank you for taking the time to test our thinking on the things we must do or should do, and letting us know whether we’re on the right track.”

How the total rates increase impacts different properties will vary - some will see an increase of more than 15%, and others will see less depending on the services they receive. Find out what this means for your property here. The rates increase is effective from 1 July, so ratepayers will notice the increase in the next rates notice (sent out early August). 

Read more on the 2024-2034 Long Term Plan key topics/projects, challenges and budget.

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