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Waharoa Road East shared path coming soon

A section of the Matamata inner green route will be going ahead on Waharoa Road East, Matamata. From mid-February 2024 we're constructing a 3m wide shared path on the eastern side of the road from Broadway to the shops (The Warehouse, New World, etc.). The shared path will improve connection between the shops and the town centre, making it safer and easier for people to walk, cycle and use mobility aids and devices. Construction is expected to take eight weeks. Driveway access will not be impacted during construction. Thank you for your patience as we make upgrades to our footpath network.

The Matamata inner green route was a NZTA Waka Kotahi Transport Choices funded project. In October 2023, NZTA Waka Kotahi paused funding until it received clear direction on the incoming government’s priorities for transport investment. The Minister of Transport has now advised all local authorities that no further funding for the Transport Choices programme will be approved. For our district, this means we will no longer receive funding to carry out our CBD accessibility improvements, bus stop upgrades, Matamata inner green route and Matamata connectivity programmes, due to be constructed this year. There is some internal budget available for us to implement some of the activities under these projects but at a very reduced scope. We are pleased to report this section of the Matamata inner green route project will be going ahead.

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